
Instant (1)


A deck meant to level the playing field, Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer plans to make sure everyone wins. Whether that's done by having no one win or having you win more is all down to what manner of deals you're able to strike. You're going to focus on keeping the game rolling by delaying the leading players and resetting the board when things get out of hand. Board wipes, Bribes, and removal are the tools of the trade to make sure everyone at the table plays nice, but if it comes down to it winning is hardly off the table.

This deck has a lot of fantastic ways to control the game, which can irritate people. Thankfully there's no shortage of side effects and cards in the deck to make you more likeable. Cards like Flumph, Diviner Spirit, Kwain, Itinerant Meddler, Oath of Leiges and a fair few others work to make you a less annoying presence. Your goal isn't to control the game completely, just keep things from getting out of hand. The deck can't realistically handle getting ganged up on, so a combination of seeming unthreatening and having effects that benefit players either universally or individually can help you politic and stay alive, as can saving other players so that you can gang up on more threatening opposition. It's about knowing the right time to intervene or let things slide, and finding the best way to keep everyone at the table happy, or more accurately at least not mad at you.

Your job at the table is to keep things in check. This deck uses a fair bit of control, and that control is there for the most part to keep everyone, and more importantly you, alive. It packs quite a few board wipes to keep things from getting too hairy, and Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer pairs excellently with those that leave creatures on the board like Divine Reckoning or Tragic Arrogance as he can easily shut down the most dangerous creature post board wipe. You have a few counters thrown in to shut down combo and spellslinger decks as your normal removal can be less functional against them. The longer the game goes the more potential you have to kill a player or end the game in a turn, so do your best to play the long game and keep everyone else in line till they run out of steam or you get enough of your own.

While the Deck mostly is just here to draw out the game a bit and make things interesting, it does have some surprisingly decent variety in avenues for victory. most of them revolve around card draw, specifically at instant speed. For that you have Read the Runes, Sphinx's Revelation, and Keep Watch. You have two options for a straight beatdown in Sturmgeist and Body of Knowledge, who you can pump at instant speed with one of a handful of draw cards to ramp up the damage. Alternatively you can use those same draw cards with Triskaidekaphile to hit that magic 13 for the win. You have a further backup in Wizard Class, which if you level up to stage 3 you can use these draw effects to pump a creature. Rite of Replicationfoil, Diluvian Primordial, and Reins of Power can also easily end games as long as your opponents play along. The great advantage here is excluding the two beatsticks, all these cards are good utility in their own right. Even if you can't set up a win with them they're still useful for the deck.


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91% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 4 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.52
Tokens Copy Clone, Knight 2/2 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure
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