Went 1-3, drop.
Match 1 (Abzan Aggro) - 0-2 L - Game 1 I was on 4 lands for the whole game, 5 if you count the second Urborg. Game 2 I had poor draws. I also probably sequenced my plays poorly, due to inexperience/lack of practice. This was a running theme all night. A note about this matchup... Ultimate Price sucks sooooo badly. The only thing it hits that I saw in 2 games is Surrak, if they happen to be running it.
Match 2 (Esper Dragons) - 0-2 L - I thought I understood how the control mirror was played, at least on a conceptual level. This showed me, very clearly, I did not know what I was doing. I think I was likely too aggressive (playing threats without protection), I didn't know what was worth picking a fight over, and the other player knew what he was doing much more than I was. This deck absolutely needs Ashiok in the 75. I also need to learn how to properly handle the control mirror.
Match 3 (Mono-Black Devotion Brew) - 2-1 W - This match was strange, and I didn't really know what to expect. Game 1 he just played threats and I didn't draw the right cards
and/or used my resources poorly. Game 2 I had plenty of removal and counterspells, and ended the game with something like 2 Crux and 2 Downfall still in hand. Game 3 went similarly, I killed the dangerous creatures and took a bunch of little hits until I stabilized and put the game away.
Match 4 (Abzan Graveyard Brew) - 0-2 L - I just got blown out by playing the wrong cards at the wrong times this game. I also had no way to deal with a resolved Whip and Palace Siege except for Ugin. The takeaway from this match was, again, that I shouldn't try and play threats without protection, and I need to pick what I kill/counter much more carefully.
Final Notes: This deck might need another land, and probably only needs 1 Urborg. Ashiok needs to get in the 75 for sure. I think I might need Perilous Vault. I need tons of practice. I need to learn the control mirror specifically.