

Standard spirits. Needs work.

The core of this deck is in spell queller, rattlechains, and selfless spirit. I'm currently trying a splash of green for some card draw from tamiyo, permeating mass, and lumbering falls as a blocker.

I'm still testing permeating mass but so far it's been great to unincentivise attacking me which is nice, spirits often has trouble with running out of quickly and not having good ways to get more cards. Tamiyo, anticipate, and smuggler's copter are all here to fix that problem. So far anticipate has been great at fetching an essence flux to dodge a removal spell, and tamiyo has been great at card draw and defense, I need to test smuggler's copter more.

Spell queller

-great to hold up to exile a liliana or other potential threat and also creates a 2/3 flier. Can be played on opponents endstep without quelling if you need the aggression.


-protects spellqueller or other threats and allows you to flash in mausoleum wanderer, selfless spirit, and permeating mass.

Mausoleum wanderer

-delays opponents removal or other spells until the have the mana to get past it, or you can catch them offgaurd by flashing in one of the many flash spirits. Also a good early flying attacker.

Permeating mass

-a 1/3 with "derptouch", great blocker for one mana and can even be flashed in with rattlechains.

Selfless spirit

-good early attacker that can protect more important threats like spellquellers. Also turns an avacyn flip or a fumigate into a plague wind.

Reflector mage

-strong card that can keep annoying blockers out of the way or fog a fatty for two turns.


-closes out games as a big flier, the flip can be triggered at will by both selfless spirit and mausoleum wanderer.

Smuggler's copter

-can be crewed by anything in the deck, preferably on of my one drop creatures like mausoleum wanderer. Helps with card advantage that spirits sorely needs.


-instant speed search for an answer, or just card draw to draw more threats rather than lands in the late game. Use this to find an essence flux, rattlechains, or spellqueller in response to removal, or even selfless spirit if you have a rattlechains out.

Essence flux

-buffs spirits, but that is secondary to the flicker effect. Use it to requell a bigger threat, retrigger reflector mage, flicker a spirit to buff mausoleum wanderer, give something hexproof with rattlechains, retrigger avacyn indestructible etb, or even allow it to flip again for the damage, or use it to just dodge removal and come out with a bigger creature in the end. This card can do so much and is very rarely a dead card, but I have the number at 3 because it does need creatures to function.


-life gain to keep me in the game, plague wind if I have a selfless spirit.


-much needed card draw as well as the ability to tap down annoying reach or flying blockers. Both abilities can mitigate attacks against you.


-chump blockers when behind, big attacker when you're out of creatures, anthem to buff all your spirits, makes mausoleum wanderer hard to get around.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors BR
Splash colors G

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 2 Rares

2 - 6 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Emblem Dovin Baan, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Knight Ally 2/2 W
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