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Resolute Deprivation

Modern* BUG (Sultai) Mill



I began playing Magic a long time ago in a land far far away. A land called Ravnica. A land flush with a new concept: Guilds! I was a pretty awful player but I had a dream to have a Standard deck that could do all the wonderful things that the Guilds had to offer.

  • The Dimir ruins your deck and leaves you wondering what happened
  • The Golgari feeding off the dead and making a bad thing worse
  • The Simic endearing exponential growth by any means necessary

My first deck consisted of Glimpse the Unthinkable and Traumatize making a very beefy Vulturous Zombie as my main win con, and this seemed oh so perfect at the time. I even won a few local FNM tournaments at the time. With Llanowar Elves, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and shock lands... anything was possible!

I've been wanting to continue this deck idea for some time. I keep building the deck, then taking it apart. I can't decide if I like it or not.

But I am adamant. I am defiant. I will defend the legacy.

-- THE MILL --

  • Archive Trap - By far the potentially scariest Mill card ever created. With all 4 in your hand at the same time... You can win if the opponent even cracks a fetch.... Fear this card. Make the enemy fear it more.

  • Breaking - Not quite as good as Glimpse, but eight is still pretty decent!

  • Glimpse the Unthinkable - The center piece of any Mill deck, two for ten in a single card is fantastic

  • Mind Funeral - Leaves you quivering in anticipation during the flip of every... Single... Card... Will it be a land? Will you Mill the wincon out?


  • Snapcaster Mage - Should probably be included him under the Mill section because he is in fact going to bring back a Milling sorcery most of the time, but he does have the versatility of getting ANY of the 28 spells in the deck

  • Tarmogoyf - Well now. Unfortunately Vulturous Zombie is not exactly good by Modern standards, so this will be taking my precious flying filth's spot as the best equivalent I can find. Why I didn't think of using this during the block, I'll never know


  • Abrupt Decay - Solid removal. Can't be countered. Need I say more?

  • Dismember - No hold's barred creature removal that can be played on turn one.

  • Remand - A touch of control and a touch of draw.

  • Sylvan Scrying]] - The best part about splashing green, the mana ramp and fix.


  • Abrupt Decay - Fills in the gap for more removal if needed

  • Dismember - Fills in the gap for stronger creature count.

  • Extirpate - You know that card that gets played that you just HATE? I don't I play Extirpate :)

  • Leyline of the Void - Living End will cry...

  • Pithing Needle - More hate for infinite decks and pod really. Also works on PW's so Lili can piss off.

  • Relic of Progenitus - Most helpful against single cards that keep coming back, but nothing as deep as Living End. I like to keep it around if you Mill an Emrakul against Tron of if Jund tries to keep bringing back Bloodghast

  • Shadow of Doubt - Solid against anything from Tron to anyone who wants to crack a fetch. Nothing is more funny than putting them off mana for a turn.


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I know it seems that I let this idea slide and didn't put any effort towards this deck but it is finally completed. And man is it sweet!!!

I've been testing and testing. And I've found I have some very solid match ups.

Pod is as janky as pod is, I can either win or not. But So far I have a 50/50 chance. Shredding away their one of's is hilariously fun and I almost guarantee they will drop a fetch turn one.

Tron is hit and miss but mostly hit. Having a one of Extripate main board helps a lot with milling Emrakul and also keeps them off Tron really easily game 2 and 3.

Delver is a rough match since it just moves so quickly but I've been fairly confidant in my matches and done really well against it.

The worst match up I've had is a random local who plays RDW and it is just way to fast for me to either mill or swing lethal with Goyf.


Revision 7 See all

(9 years ago)

-2 Verdant Catacomb main
+2 Verdant Catacombs main
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

44 - 4 Rares

7 - 9 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.95
Folders Modern, Modern Ideas
Ignored suggestions
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