Ok, so I'm back with another sick brew. I have no idea why no one has found this - I guess people didn't get the synergies. Trophy Mage is so good in a Vehicles deck! I'm playing as many 3 cmc Vehicles as I can! Plus, it tutors for Peacewalker Colossus which means I don't need many other real Creatures, since I can Crew all my other Vehicles with it!

While I was building the deck, I realized I wanted Metallic Rebuke, so I added Mobile Garrison and Heart of Kiran so my Vehicles could be Vigilant - they can attack and also tap for mana. That got me thinking about how powerful Improvise is, so I added Inspiring Statuary, because I can get it with Trophy Mage. I think lots of people will forget that Eldrazis aren't Artifacts, and that you can use Improvise to pay for the Colorless costs - free Kozileks and Void Winnowers all around!

But here's the thing that's really weird. After Smuggler's Copter got banned people said Vehicles was dead. I was so confused because Vehicles got a much more powerful card - Metallic Mimic. Just name Vehicles and you have some amazing tribal synergies! This synergy will be huge at the Pro Tour and I think I got to it before anyone else!

I'm still working out a sideboard, I was just so excited about this new deck I had to share as soon as possible!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.16
Tokens Energy Reserve
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