Hermit Druid/Reanimator/Hulk combo stuff. Get a pinger or three out and assemble a combo or win via hulk pile.

Hulk Pile (grab as much of this as you can): -Cryptic Trilobite + Endless One + Hangarback Walker + Phyrexian Marauder + Shifting Wall + Stonecoil Serpent + Ugin's Conjurant + Walking Ballista (0-drops, instantly die) and -Luminous Broodmoth (4-drop, recursive engine) and one of -Blood artist, Cruel Celebrant, Elas il-Kor, or Zulaport Cutthroat (2-drops, death trigger pingers, try to avoid Blood Artist in multiplayer) and up to one of any one CMC creature you might want, this is more effective if going for a kill and Heartless Summoning is on the board.

Alternate infinite ping triggers: -Saffi Eriksdotter + Reveillark + sac outlet (such as Viscera Seer or Carrion Feeder) -Luminous Broodmoth + Solemnity + any other creature + sac outlet (such as Viscera Seer or Carrion Feeder) -Any 0-drop X-cost creature from above + Enduring Renewal

Nethroi isn't strictly necessary, but landing this mutate post Hermit druid activation or after a non-lethal hulk pile should instantly win the game as it will activate all the combos at the same time. Use protection spells as needed.

Here's the breakdown. A pinger causes loss of 1 life to each opponent (unless Blood Artist... then you target someone) when a creature dies. You want to have a bunch of creatures die while one (or preferably more) of these are on the board. Take the hulk pile and a pinger already on board: 1) You find 8x X-cost (X is zero when tutored out this way) 0/0 creatures + another pinger + Luminous Broodmoth 2) State-based 0/0's die, triggering both pingers and Luminous Broodmoth 3) Pingers cause a total of 16 life lost 4) Broodmoth brings the 8x 0/0's back, which die to state-based effect again 5) Pingers cause a total of 16 more life lost (total of 32) 6) If you got a sac outlet as the optional 1-drop, proceed to sac the pingers one at a time 7) Cruel Celebrant and Zulaport Cutthroat check themselves as they die, so sac one, then the other, then Broodmoth, then both of the pingers (this is 6 more life lost, total of 40)

If steps 1~7 go well (and it usually does, since theres a lot of state-based things happening) its normally an auto-kill. Feel free to set this up with Nethroi backup for more loops of this as needed, or to get the post-Hermit Druid alpha-strike. You can always infinite combo as well, which might be easier at times.

Just watch out for graveyard hate!


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91% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

56 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.59
Tokens Thopter 1/1 C
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