Alright, So I've been tweaking this for a good while now and I think I've gotten it fairly consistent. It does have some problems, and I'm hoping those with more knowledge than myself can shed some light on those and make some helpful suggestions.
Obviously, this is a reanimate deck, and when the magic happens, can win on turn two, but consistently on turn 4 or 5. There are several little combos in this deck that are pretty fun and give you a couple different win conditions, but they do all focus on creatures and creature abilities, which is less than ideal, but here are some:
Apprentice Necromancer
Flayer of the Hatebound
if you can, have Anger in your graveyard to be able to sac the necromancer, bring out the Flayer, attack, flayer dies, and bring the flayer back. Pretty nice.
Flayer of the Hatebound + any of the creature cards being reanimated. Pretty obvious there.
Bladewing the Risen
Flayer of the Hatebound
except you have both Bladewings in your graveyard. You can then continue to reanimate them as they die, and murder that way. This one was pretty cool, I thought.
Some of the creatures are in there for "in case" scenarios, like the Ashen Rider
Please feel free to make suggestions, I'm happy to hear them :)