Try with a white splash only, seems to be most effective...
Going for a few playtests and than tune again.
What do you think is the best at moment? I tried G, B, GW, BG, BWG and now W.
Put Thalia into mainboard, she seems to be more important than I thought. Two Piledrivers are enough, I spend two many time with only one or two goblins on the field, he can have a huge impact, but it many situations he's just useless. Added Krenko for lategame overrun, even though he's pretty much dependent on Warchief and Chieftain, as long as I can't vial him.
Siege-Gang cut, he's out. Too expensive, too dependent on Lackey. I'll try without him, Put Vial up to 5 counters makes Vial worthless, having Lackey deal damage in turn 2 and let SGC enter the field through Lackey is quite impossible... Skirk Prospector cut because I never needed him so far, the Sharpshooter combo is a nice idea, but it never worked - so bye bye!
Tarfire as a good alternative to Incinerator, it is to easy for my opponent to cross my Incinerator plans by just removing one single goblin.
Ashen Rider against Sneak Show, I think the rest of the sideboard stands for itself - no further explanations needed.