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Kruphix, God of Horizons

Commander / EDH* GU (Simic)



This is our last-ditch attempt at educating the masses. If they won't learn, we will hold them down and force them to! Knowledge is not only shared, it is a mandatory responsibility. Using our own knowledge of the multiverse and the things it contains, we will adopt (and adapt) everyone into the Simic way of life.

This is a story of Kruphix, and his expansive knowledge of everything Theros has ever seen- and a few things it hasn't.

The plan for this deck is to mana ramp into the sun, then proceed to draw cards, then repeat until you have Blue Sun's Zenith or Stroke of Genius and kill your opponent by making them draw their entire library (giving them Kruphix's infinite knowledge). Here's how we do it.

The Ramp

Kodama's Reach is really the standard for ramp here. Ideally, you want to play enough early ramp that you can cast Kruphix either turn 3 or turn 4. After that, any and all ramp that we draw has to provide enough impact that we aren't just better off banking the mana with Kruphix. The all-stars of the deck in this department are undoubtedly Doubling Cube, Boundless Realms, and Freed from the Real.

Wait a second, why is that last one there? Basically, Kiora's Follower and Voyaging Satyr can be used to make infinite mana when enchanted by a Freed from the Real (Theros gods love them some enchantments, after all). They can be used to infinitely untap Doubling Cube, Simic Growth Chamber, or pretty much any other land if Zendikar Resurgent is on the battlefield. Now that we have all this mana, we're gonna need cards to use it on.

Card Draw

For this section, we will be using Divination (a classic prophet power) as a baseline for power; anything that can give us at least 1 card for every 1.5 mana we spend fits the bill. Luckily, we have things like Harmonize and Concentrate which definitely make the cut. At the top of the curve, Dragonlord's Prerogative and Opportunity give us a huge card advantage option as long as we have enough mana (which we always will). Then, finally, we have the almighty Enter the Infinite (representing us truly becoming one with Kruphix and his vast array of information). This started out as a joke addition, but has since proven its usefulness countless times. riding on the heels of a boardwipe, this card will almost always let us win the game on the spot. Speaking of...

Win Conditions

My favorite (and the most common) way this deck wins is by casting a lethal Blue Sun's Zenith and/or Stroke of Genius. I did consider running Braingeyser for a time, but I decided that two slots (one of which can be cast multiple times) was good enough. These work well because the only way to survive a BSZ X=100 is to counter it, and this deck is one of the best when it comes to counter wars. Heroes' Bane is our "oops I win'' card. Combine this with Rogue's Passage or Thassa, God of the Sea (they get along well enough, right?) to take out threat players or just force through some solid damage.


What it says on the tin. This is here to make sure we don't get killed by problem creatures. Imprisoned in the Moon and Song of the Dryads are our answers to recurring threats such as commanders. Whelming Wave and Cyclonic Rift are our "oh sh*t" buttons. Finally, Reclamation Sage takes care of problem enchantments.

Board Presence

This is a recent addition. I realized that politics wouldn't cut it for defense, so I added in a few pieces that make sure we don't die to normal combat damage. Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar, and Sandwurm Convergence (representing Kruphix's knowledge of other planes gained from planeswalkers) give us some versatile options for defense. Kazandu Tuskcaller in particular is a very welcome addition. It may look innocuous, but the steep 14- mana investment is almost negligible anywhere past turn 5.

The rest are mainly just value cards or cards that work particularly well with Kruphix specifically (like Awakening). I hope this has been an enlightening experience. Feel free to hit me with any recommendations or questions you have about the deck!


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99% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 106
Avg. CMC 4.00
Tokens City's Blessing, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Manifest 2/2 C, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Simic, EDH- The 32 Deck Challenge
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