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Mono-Green Devotion (Post-Rotation)

Standard Competitive Devotion Mono-Green Ramp Tempo



With Mono-Green Devotion on the rise, and probably losing the least weapons of all the devotion decks, I've decided to plan ahead from the cards we have access to right now. This deck is still being tested so any recommendations you may have are appreciated.

I treated this build sort of like Birthing Pod in Modern; not that there are combos, but the "one copy of impact creatures" kind of build that you dig into with cards like Chord of Calling and Genesis Hydra.

Arbor Colossus: Adds three devotion, a great 6/6 body able to go up against Master of the Feast and possibly Indulgent Tormentor, if it sees play in Mono-Black since Desecration Demon is rotating, being able to kill them by blocking or with its Monstrosity.

Elvish Mystic: One mana green ramp creature, staple, enough said.

Genesis Hydra: Amazing card being able to become a huge body and being able to bring a huge impact card onto the field. Works exceptionally with the deck's ramp.

Hornet Queen: Great combat trick with Chord of Calling (I've produced ten mana easily with this deck). Able to block pesky Mono-Black Flyers with its tokens and kill them immediately, adds three devotion, just a great card.

Hydra Broodmaster: A bit of an experiment with this card. Great body being a 7/7 for 6 and adding two devotion. Can really make your opponent think about killing it when you have plenty of mana open. Can be searched out via Chord of Calling on the opponent's end step to wreak havoc on your next turn, and should your opponent try to kill it during combat or in some way and you have mana open using its ability in response can make a huge impact with how much mana this deck can produce in one turn.

Nylea's Disciple: Not many people run her mainboard, but with so many aggro decks out there, having her give you an edge during game one can mean win or loss in a match given the situation.

Polukranos, World Eater: So much has been said about this card, and it's pointless explaining it. Great 5/5 body for four mana adding two devotion and being able to kill things with its Monstrosity.

Reclamation Sage: Not many people mainboard these either, but with the current metagame it has so many targets. Mono-Black it hits Master of the Feast, Underworld Connections (until it rotates), Mono-Blue it hits Bident of Thassa and Hall of Triumph slowing them down, against Control it hits Detention Sphere (until it Rotates) and Banishing Light, and it hits courser of cruphix and Eidolon of Blossoms in the mirror match. Having a one of in the main deck can make an impact in game one, so its good to run at least one.

Sylvan Caryatid: While it may seem like the deck has too much ramp, there are just so many ways to dig through the deck efficiently with Genesis Hydra and Chord of Calling that we want to almost guarantee ourselves to start the game with ramp (and we can control our top deck a few ways by peaking with Courser of Kruphix and shuffling any unwanted top decks like late game rampers with those Genesis Hydra and Chord of Calling. The advantage that [[Sylvan Caryatid has over Elvish Mystic and Voyaging Satyr is its Hexproof allowing it to dodge Bile Blight. which Mono-Black and B/W usually bring in to try and slow us down. Hopefully Khans of Tarkir brings us a good replacement for our loss of Burning-Tree Emissary so we can have a bit less ramp and more impact cards.

Voyaging Satyr: Great in Mono-Green being able to untap our Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for tons of mana.

Courser of Kruphix: Excellent card advantage allowing you to dig deeper into your deck and work nicely in conjunction with a Genesis Hydra in hand. Can save you out of a bad situation being a great blocker and giving life, oh yeah and two more devotion.

Nylea, God of the Hunt: Just a great card being able to pump our creatures and giving them trample and a possible 6/6 body with Indestructible, enough said about this card, it's great.

Chord of Calling: Awesome combat tricks with this card, excellent card advantage, instant speed, just great. Thank you for the reprint WOTC!

Nissa, Worldwaker: Great finisher to the game making more creatures for us, untapping our forests for even more ramp, and a great ultimate to just finish the game.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx: Works best in Mono-Green, an easy four of since we can just juice it so much.

Phyrexian Revoker: Our best card to deal with Planeswalkers and other pesky activated abilities that are hard to deal with.

Mistcutter Hydra: Our ace for Control and Mono-Blue easily being able to end the game quickly.

Setessan Tactics: Was a very underrated card and am happy to see it being used. Great in the mirror match and against other creature heavy decks.

Unravel the Æther: Our best card to deal with Gods, Scuttling Doom Engine, Soul of New Phyrexia, and other artifacts and enchantments that can't be dealt with efficiently with Reclamation Sage.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 9 Rares

1 - 3 Uncommons

9 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Hydra X/X G, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch
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