Built a lifegain deck for my brother. Stall until you hit a win condition, then win. Simple.
In this deck we have three kinds of removal: murder spells (
Doom Blade
), pacifism (
, Banishing Light) and board wipes (Day of Judgment). They are used to ensure the opponent does not establish a game winning boardstate before we can win. Without this removal, this deck has much trouble dealing with almost every other creature based deck.
We also have some smaller chumps and little lifegain sources. These help live untill the late game, as well as gain some of the life we'll need to finish off the enemy.
Goldenglow Moth
and Nyx-Fleece Ram are the stars in this category. And if your win cons don't work out, you can always buff the Ram with various enchantments (namely Ordeal of Heliod
) and kill them with that! Either way, these little guys are vital to the deck.
There are several enchantments in this deck, that have several different roles. I've already gone over Banishing Light,
Ordeal of Heliod
and Sunbond, but I have yet to discuss Divine Favour. Divine Favour is a very useful card in this deck because it does two things;First, it gains life. 3 life is not a lot of life by any means, but every bit counts. Second, it keeps Nyx-Fleece Ram and
Goldenglow Moth
alive. Keeping these two little guys alive can be the game-deciding factor in the long run.
There are two major win-cons in this deck: Felidar Sovereign and Divinity of Pride. Felidar has an auto-win if you are hitting major lifegain, and Divinity is there to bash face if you don't have quite as much.
Ordeal of Heliod
and Crypt Incursion are also two important cards for hitting the amount of life you'll need to win. The ordeal nets you 10 life, and can be a win-con when combo'd with Sunbond. Crypt Incursion is a game winner. With the amount of removal in this deck, the graveyards are almost guaranteed to be massive, and as a result, Crypt Incursion becomes a vital part of the deck. Down to 1 life? Crypt Incursion. Swinging with a 4/4 Divinity of Pride? Well Crypt Incursion is instant speed, so why not hit for 8 instead? Crypt Incursion is by far one of the most useful cards in this deck.