This was originally intended to be an elemental tribal deck to rival my merfolk, boggart, kithkin decks, etc. but I quickly realized that the wither mechanic it really badass. So I went with this instead.
Creatures:Most of the deck is based around creatures with wither. The most pivotal being Kulrath Knight and Necroskitter.
Kulrath Knight is just sweet. Great artwork and flavor. A 3/3 with flying and a super flexible cmc. He comes with wither and his passive ability can easily lockdown the game until you get your enchantments out to finish the board off.
Necroskitter can add some surprising assistance to your victory. Who knows what kind of awesome baddies your opponent has that can become your alternate win cons.
Ashenmoor Gouger
although he does not have wither, a 4/4 body for 3 R/B hybrid mana you can't beat that. Paired with
Ashenmoor Liege
fist of the demigod
can easily turn him into an 8/8 with first strike and wither.
Stigma Lasher one of my all time favorite hatebears having a body to match his cmc plus wither and the devastating ability to stop lifegain in it's tracks make him paramount in this deck as it can take some time to lockdown the board and you don't want your opponent to not block your creatures cause of their life total.
Hateflayer is sort of a win condition for this deck. He can easily take care of any opposing fatties but also has the ability to directly burn players for that last bit of damage.
Enchantments and Instants:
Crumbling Ashes is the removal for this deck, killing anything that is unlucky enough to be plagued with wither. After their deaths they can be reanimated to fight for you with Necroskitter and can provide fuel for Blowfly Infestation to continue the contagion.
Scar is there to make sure any important creatures aren't out of reach of wither and Crumbling Ashes. Don't want to block/attack with that game changing utility creature? You don't even have to. They'll still join the party regardless.
Last but not least is
Fists of the Demigod
. It's really only in here to justify running the Ashenmoor brothers able to give the first strike and wither. It is redundant on anything else unfortunately.