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Deck centered around Athreos, God of Passage. Focused on maintaining complete control over creatures our opponents control and punishing them for having the audacity to summon any. All the creatures synergize with Athreos on the board, and each interaction forcing the opponent to make a taxing choice. Along with the standard fetching (Beseech the Queen) and spot removal (Bone Splinters), various win conditions can be met with such combos as Blood Artist with Killing Wave, infinite opponent life loss with the Viscera Seer, Geralf's Messenger, and Solemnity combo, taking control of everyone's creatures with Endless Whispers (side note: Athreos, God of Passage allows us to use his trigger ability when our creatures hit the graveyard, giving the option to return our dead creatures to our hand before Endless Whispers gets to trigger) and just whittling down the opponent with the multitude of conditional life-pinging effects(Torment of Scarabs and Torment of Hailfire).

The deck has numerous amount of punishment for any opponent that tries to develop a board of creatures, making 20 life drop almost as fast as when playing burn. Any noncreature based threats can be dealt with using High Priest of Penance.

We care not about our own creatures, everything is a necessary sacrifice in order to gain the favor of the one true God of Passage.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.82
Tokens Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Morph 2/2 C
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