Tuned and mostly optimized list for Boros Superfriends in Commander. I've been playing this deck a lot at my LGS, and while there are still a few tweaks needed with the curve and the Planeswalkers included, this deck is much improved from where it was 6 months ago.

With a healthy mix of tutors (Djeru, Search For Glory, Call The Gatewatch) and filtering (Urza Assembles The Titans, Karn, Deploy The Gatewatch), we have a lot of ways to get the most appropriate 'walkers for the job, and to cheat on mana costs. A couple big resurrect effects, a suite of multi-purpose interaction, and some strong defensive creatures round out the strategy.

UPDATE: Lowered the curve, added some newer cards, added better mana rocks, reworked the Planeswalker assortment further. Arena Rector and The Wandering Emperor are the two key cards I'd still like to add, but they're more expensive than I'm willing to pay for right now. I plan to try adding Quintorius Kand and The Chain Veil now that the latter has dropped in price. Warleader's Call is also under consideration, given how much token generation the deck has.


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