"There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever." - Thomas Edison
Behold the artificer's dream: Artifacts in standard! Using synergy between cards recently spoiled in M15, this deck can easily and quickly ramp out and overpower your opponents.
Card Descriptions
Chief Engineer - This is a powerhouse in this deck. With cheap cards like Ornithopter and Phyrexian Revoker, it is easy to get a Scuttling Doom Engine or Soul of New Phyrexia out by turn 3 or 4.
Divination - This one is pretty simple, lets me draw more cards to keep my deck running strong.
Darksteel Citadel - Mostly used due to it's interactions with Ensoul Artifact. Actually, only used for that reason.
Dissipate - More counter and some graveyard recursion hate.
[Ensoul Artifact]] - Hook this up on an Ornithopter or Darksteel Citadel for maximum to the face damage. One of my favorite spoiled cards of the set.
Generator Servant - Excellent ramp + haste, lets me swing with a Scuttling Doom Engine or Soul of New Phyrexia early on.
Haunted Plate Mail - Gets around most board wipes, or can be equipped to a number of things for more damage.
Izzet Charm - This can be versatile. I can either use it to remove an opponent's dude, or counter a threatening spell. I usually won't use the looting choice often as I don't like discarding cards in this deck.
Ornithopter - Cheap creature that I can use to chump, convoke, or Ensoul.
Phyrexian Revoker - Helps convoke things, stops opponent's things, like planeswalkers or Chain Veil.
Scuttling Doom Engine - This card is beautiful. Slight evasion, pain for those wishing to kill spell it, and deals 11 damage with a shrapnel blast.
Shrapnel Blast - Can easily finish a game off. Opponent stuck at 5 life? Bam. Opponent stuck at 10 life? Stick this baby on a Volatile Rig or Scuttling Doom Engine and watch the sparks fly.
Soul of New Phyrexia - 6/6 trample, gives your things indestructible, and can be convoked into play with Chief Engineer? Sign me up.
Trading Post - Value all around, thats the best way to summarize this card.
Volatile Rig - See Scuttling Doom Engine. Also, may help to wipe a board of Elspeth tokens. Cross our fingers.
Needs help!
Thanks for reading folks. Suggestions welcome. Have a nice day.