Ways to win:

~ ! C O U N T E R S ! Get heliod out as soon as you have three lands. There's so much health and triggering that a 1/1 token can turn into a 7/7 lifelink(Heliod's active) in 1-3 turns. Remember to trigger all the stuff! Take your turn slowly! This is the most reliable win path, but is shut down by burns and token spam, so focus on a different win condition in those situations(adding counters always couldn't hurt though!)

~Resplendent Mentor + Famished paladin = infinite life (+Heliod = infinite counters)

~Heliod's active + any card that says "when you gain life, add a +1/+1 counter on enchanted creature for EACH life gained this way"(sunbond/cradle of vitality/light of promise). More exponential strength.

~Serra Avatar, Soul of Eternity, Ajanis (Djeru also gets out either Ajani). Even at 15 health, these are outrageously powerful. 15/15s send you on the path to victory. (And you're usually at 30+Life anyway!)

~Chalice of Death(Life) Spam + Cards with Exhort + Surviving a lot

~Angel of Destiny win condition. You draw angel of destiny, and you basically already won. It's kinda gimpy, so maybe switch it with a sideboard card when you are battling a salt-vulnurable friend. If you don't care though, it's fun to suddenly just make an opponent loose.

~Celestial convergence + Lucky stalling.

~Rhox Faithmender, Boon Reflection, & Alhammarret's Archive accelerate everything really fast. Usually result in being unkillable. Otherwise, you become really scary and can waste opponent turns because they want the health doubling gone so bad.(having all three of these on the field gets you x8 lifegain!)

~Aetherflux Reservoir: If you get this out and have 51 < Health, you can target the opponent and remove your opponents life total.

~Storm herd: having 30+ flying 1/1 lifelink pegasus(es?) can basically just eat the enemy out of existence. Very unlikely you'll be able to afford it though. But if you start the game with storm herd and a storage land, you can get it in a limited amount of turns.

~Evra, Halcyon Witness: ONLY SWITCH HEALTH if you are SURE enemy can't burn you. Then you deal 30+ damage with one creature and lifelink it all back. Having Sunbond or similar enchantments on it create some hilarious situations.

~~End up having to leave mid-game, and win via mtg's offical time rules.


-When I fight people with this deck, their first inclination is "Infect", which is the unfortunate bane of this deck. Leeches is the only infect defence, and even if it is added you get such a small chance of getting it. EVEN IF YOU DRAW IT, the enemy can just put the poison counters back! So go as aggro as possible against infectors. Because life may not matter for surviving, but it does matter for SHEER DAMAGE

-Mulligan if you have less than 3 means of mana in your starting hand. Don't tempt fate. Fate likes screwing you over.


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91% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.64
Tokens */* W Creature Avatar, Angel 4/4 W, Copy Clone, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Pegasus 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
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