I've been trying to get into modern for a while. After debating on buying into a meta deck or something spikey I have decided on doing something that my local meta isn't playing. Elves.

I have researched all of the different variants of the deck. Vizier was super temping at first (activate Ezuri 6000 times? Combat?) and the sideboard seemed amazing.

However I like to underdog, so I've picked a set up that I found super interesting and have been experimenting in theory with. Sultai.

The basic premise of the deck is obvious to anyone familiar with GB elves. Play mana dork into druid into make a bunch of mana, dump your hand and then find Shaman. The blue splash comes in as both a meta call, and from what I believe to be an upgrade in Coiling Oracle.

Making the mana worse as a cost to playing a better Visionary is worth it in my opinion. While my current list is definitely not as optimal as it could be, due to budget mana base constraints, I believe that flipping a fetch off of the Oracle is much stronger than drawing one with visionary.

In addition to the mainboard, we also get counterspells in the side which let us play the tempo game, and what more than likely comes down to a cute play against lantern in cyclonic rift.

DOM just gave elves a sweet beater in Steel Leaf Champion, so maybe I should be playing aggressive ezuri beats, but I love the feeling of dropping two shamans a turn, and the following up with two more in my dreams.

Elves players, tell me what you think, tell me what I am doing wrong, tell me what YOU would do better.

*Mana base issues are budget related, if I can replace sideboard/mainboard card with something that won't shell me out 150+, then tell me that before you say "add polluted delta"

-My meta is a lot of Tron variants, Burn, One Ad Naus, Ponza, One lantern, A deck that uses a Cryptic/ Ewit combo/Goyf, Slivers, and your typical splash of jank

***Sideboard coming


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98% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

29 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.29
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Human Cleric 1/1 BW
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