New Green/White Midrangy aggressive build that utilizes Ajani, Mentor of Heroes to pump up your army of Voice of Resurgence, Courser of Kruphix, and Wurm tokens. Next, I will explain some of the more controversial card choices for the main deck and sideboard.
Advent of the Wurm
- The major problem is obviously that you cannot get it with Ajani's second +1 ability. Although this drawback can be relevant, we run 3 in the deck to increase your odds of drawing one before you drop Ajani. The payoff is extremely worth it when you Advent on your opponents turn, then untap and play an Ajani and make your Wurm an 8/8 trampler.
Other 4 drop slots- I have tested some different options like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and
Eidelon of Blossoms
, but I always seem to come back to my old pal Polukranos, World Eater. Although I do not believe he is too impactful without a way to abuse him (looking at you Nykthos), he is still fine as a 5/5 for 4 with a sometimes useful ability. Still working on this spot.
Scavenging Ooze- When I used to play the more aggresive version of this deck before Born of the Gods came out, I championed Fleecemain Lion, and although he would probably be ok in this deck, we run the full playset of Archangel of Thune at the top of our curve, so the lifegain is just too important. Having a way to hose the growing-in-popularity Dredge deck (that I also play and love) is nothing to shake a stick at.
Elvish Mystic- At first, this just seemed like the best option at the 1 drop slot because the deck wants to get to 5 mana quickly to stabilize. The more I play with it though, I think it just might be better served as a playset of Soldier of the Pantheon(which also gains life), or Experiment One. What do you guys think?
Mana Confluence- Some people are questioning this, but I always respond with this: Why not run a 9th dual land if your deck can support it with absolutely no problem? Also, it has made many hands keepable that would not have been otherwise.
Mutavault- Although the mana base can get greedy early, Mutavault is probably the best card in standard so finding a place for it if you can is a must. Very effective to pump up elemental tokens from Voice.
- This deck dies to Stormbreath Dragon, period. I think it could even be justifyable to side a copy or two of Arbor Colossus.
Celestial Flare
- Because our best main-deck removal spell is Banishing Light, we need some kind of way to deal with
Blood Baron of Viskopa
besides blocking it with our mono green creatures.
Godsend- This seems like a wierd one and It really started off as me just wanting me to try it out in something. I thought for sure it would be short lived and I would replace it with something else, but it is still hanging in there. In the games that I have played it, it just makes combat extremely difficult for your opponent. At the very least, it gives the equiped creature +3/+3 and some amount of unblockability.
I plan on refining this deck even more as we get closer to M15's release and my local Star City Open in Columbus in June. I hope you all enjoy this deck and send some of your thoughts my way. Thank you!