Here we have our commander of our sliver army. He cost WUBRG, is a 7/7, and is a sliver tutor on a stick. Once you drop him, the clock starts ticking. We've got a whopping twenty-four slivers to chose from, (considering we haven't played any yet for some odd reason) and knowing which one to get first can be tricky. If you don't already have either Manaweft Sliver, Gemhide Sliver, or Cryptolith Rite out, you need to tutor for one of those bois as soon as possible. Obviously if your meta is a bunch of annoying blue players, you need to examine the boardstate and determine if you can get away with one of your most powerful cards. If you can't, Root Sliver is the biggest middle finger to them all. However, if you're meta has a bunch of removal and you don't think you can keep him around long enough to matter, go grab Crystalline Sliver and put your other middle finger up. Regardless, once you are able to get a mana boi out, it will ramp you up tremendously and allow for much more searching. Next you need to evaluate your board state and determine if we wanna go for the win or do we wanna set up for next turn. For starters, if you have nothing on board and none of your combos cards in hand, it takes a total of 31 mana to get all your pieces out and win. It's 5 for overlord, 3 to search, and we need about 4 searches, so that's 12 mana total for searching, 2 for a mana boi, 2 for hastey boi, 3 for sac boi, another 5 for queenie, and a final 2 to make your token sliver and begin your combo. You always wanna keep that number in mind at the beginning of your turn and modify it to match your board state and hand. To start the turn, a few questions you'll need to ask yourself are: "Do I have enough mana to pull this off right now?", "If I get insert card name here will I be able to use it efficiently, or do I need to get insert other card name here first?" and, "If I fail, can I protect my board for a turn to get the win next turn?" With those questions floating about, you'll wanna go for either haste, Basal Sliver, or go back to step one and go for Crystalline Sliver if you still don't have him. If you want to give haste, we have three hasty bois to choose from: Heart Sliver, Blur Sliver, and Cloudshredder Sliver. The best choice is to go for Cloudshredder Sliver considering he gives haste AND flying to YOUR slivers. Flying is crucial for a kill because we need our opponents to have no way to block our massive army. If you decide to go for Basal Sliver, it gets a little more mathy and conviluded. If you do grab him, you'll need at least one fodder sliver to sac for mana and be able to search again. Then depending on board state yet again, you'll either want a hastey boi or Dregscape Sliver. Then once he's out, it's easy to ramp because you can tap a fodder sliver for mana, sac for two, use that two to bring him back, tap for another mana, and sac for another two all from one fodder boi. Get haste out if you don't have it, but if you already have haste... Well it's time. Our main win con here is Sliver Queen. If you've got infinite mana, you've got infinite slivers. How do we do that? Simple. (Not really) We need the following: a mana producing sliver, a haste sliver, Basal Sliver, and the queen herself. Once we have acquired all the pieces, we can put the puzzle together. Pay two mana, make one sliver token. Not too bad I guess, but wait, that sliver inherits all our other slivers abilities. That token can tap for one mana, since it has haste, and sac itself for two back, netting a total of three mana for one boi. Use two of it to make another and rinse and repeat till you have infinite mana and infinite slivers. Go to combat. Swing and ruin someone's life. Oh no! They played fog! How ever will I win now??? My friend, its time to avenge your army of bois and kill with intent. Search up your best friend Acidic Sliver and use your mana to kill outright! He got countered. Ugh, fine. Go get Dregscape Sliver and get him back. They exited my graveyard. FINE, GET Necrotic Sliver and blow up everything they hold dear in this life. #countered again. Screeching Sliver mill them out. They have a titan. Play Unnataural Selection and take every creature they own with Overlord's second ability.
TL;DR once you have infinite mana by whatever means, you have a load of things you can do with it to kill.