A deck I've been using since I've scrapped my Aggro-Black deck in favour of a more customizable deck and sideboard; the main idea for my devotion deck is to either:
A; Discard my opponents key cards with Duress, Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek
B; Remove their key cards with Dismember, Geth's Verdict and Gatekeeper of Malakir (though the latter two gives my opponent that choice)
C; Assuming A or B is in full effect or I am able to do wothout any trouble, try and summon up my creatures (most of them with mostly black-symbols) devotion in order to take advantage of Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Hopefully by Turn 5!
What I am lacking, amongst other things, is the ability to deal with my opponents simultaneously such as a fatal-fourb way (with the exception of Gray Merchant's ability). I also cannot deal with counter-spells or faster decks that can summon creatures or add more mana. However, whilst I have noted a few negatives in my deck, there are some positive thoughts too.
My deck, while being a bit slow to start up, has been able to deal with most Modern decks and can survive a Burn deck depending on my hand (which, given I have 4x of certain cards, is usually consistent.
If possible, can someone recommended what other cards I need? Already considering 3 x Bloodghast, 2 x Thoughtseize, another Phyrexian Obilterator (plus 3-4 Kaya's Ghostform). These will replace my Vampire Hexmages, Vampire Nighthawks and Duress respectively (though I appear to have 2 extra slots but will double check; will hopefully add Kaya's Ghostform at some point for a trial run).
Edit: currently trying some new ideas for this deck, such as replacing Urborg, Stronghold and two Swamps with 4 x Barren Moors and replacing cards with Nightveil Spectre!
Also added 3 x Bloodghast for consistency, will be testing my deck soon.