+1 if you like it and comment if you have suggestions. I'll return the favor.
This is definitely my favorite deck. I love the style of Izzet not to mention the output for damage can get pretty extreme very quickly if the cards are in my favor. As with any Izzet deck it's based around casting instants and sorceries and having creatures that benefit from that on the battlefield. I've focused my spells on card advantage or cantrips coupled with great burn flexibility and semi-control.
Goblin Electromancer is a very underrated card and synergizes with this nearly as good as my other favorite goblin Guttersnipe. Playing the Electromancer means I get to cast Electrolyze for UR. It also allows me to pay the overload cost on Teleportal and Cyclonic Rift both of which can give me the window for an alpha strike. Not to mention Prophetic Bolt, a highly useful burn spell and a great digger, would probably be unplayable with out him.
Nivix Cyclops the tank that wins 90% of my games for me. With that fat 4 toughness keeping him farther out of range from removal plus being able to survive blocking or being blocked, good ole' one-eye is what the Izzet League has been needing. Cast a cheap Fire / Ice, maybe an Electrolyze or Izzet Charm then throw down your Teleportal and your swingin' with an unblockable 11/4.
Guttersnipe is simply powerful. Cast counter, burn, etc. deal 2 damage to opponents. Can't beat that.
Gelectrode is a creature I have a harder time defending and justifying his place in this deck. He may seem slower than the rest of my creature base but after a few instants and sorceries have been cast he is exceptional at either taking out all the blockers or even big fatties if I don't have a Turn / Burn available.
Izzet Charm the "charm to rule them all" as I heard one MTG player say. So much card advantage and flexibility crammed into a single card. Now when I save 2 mana for a counter if they don't play anything useful I can either draw cards or destroy a creature. Definitely a 4 of.
Fire / Ice is another card with great advantage and flexibility. Do I want to deal 2 damage divided or do I tap a blocker/attacker and draw a card. Glad they reprinted for Izzet.
Electrolyze is a staple in any non-standard Izzet deck. I've heard people complain about it's cost to usefulness ratio which is why I run Electromancers but even so you can't beat dealing divided damage with a cantrip for 3cmc or most likely UR.
Prophetic Bolt gets a lot of heat beacuse of it's 5cmc cost which, if I wasn't running them Goblins, I wouldn't play it. But since I am it makes for a great burn card and gives me a powerful pseudo-scry.
Turn / Burn handles those creatures that get too big for regular burn to take care of. Half the time I only need Turn.
Cyclonic Rift is a great one-sided board wipe which frequently snatches victory from the jaws of defeat. Can also be used early on to bounce a single threat so I can swing for max damage.
Teleportal gives Nivix Cyclops the opportunity to do what he does best while simultaneously buffing him. Overloaded I can lethally swing with multiple Cyclops plus any Goblins I have.
Finally we have Melek, Izzet Paragon and Ral Zarek to lead all my minions in battle.
Melek who synergizes wonderfully with my spells allows me to cast from my library increasing my card advantage while copying them when I do. Besides, a Weird Wizard?! How f***ing cool is that?
Ral's final ability is a game winner. Usually I get at least 2-3 extra turns which goes a long way when nearly all my cards replace themselves. But I rarely use that ability because his first two offer great burn and control.