Gurmag Angler
World's best 1 drop creature in pauper. Just add graveyard. It may be a dumb beater, but it's a dummy thikk beater that smiles in the face of Lightning Bolt and Galvanic Blast It will require a hard kill spell or some creativity from your opponent to take down just from you investing 1 mana into the creature.
Just be sure you feed the fish though. Because if you don't, you will be paying full price for this creature at a whopping 7 mana.
Sarulf's Packmate
Move over Spirited Companion and let the real wolf pack show you how 2 drops are done. We can foretell that fido doesn't measure up to this cantripping 3/3 which you can pay 2 easy payments of 2 mana into. All fido can do is face-tank this bad boy, eat pirate-clasm, and lie. Sarulf's packmate is the definition of the value midrange beater.
That also said, a new midrange challenger appeared. Some brave soul might trade in the ease of foretell for Owlbear a 5 mana cantripping 4/4. Which does go over this wolf. I see its value midgame. But I like that I can play the puppy early on turn 3 without help.
Weird pick yeah? Why not another decent body like Jewel Thief? Well, this piece of pork is my reverse uno card to burn, tempo, and myself getting too deep with Snuff Out. When you're up a creek, this lil pig can help stabilize your life total till you slap down more threats or dig into removal. When you're feeling fine, this is an on-curve vanilla 3/3 for 3 mana.
Masked Vandal
This is the worst creature in the deck. It only has one power, so it's not much of a clock, why run it? Turns out, artifacts and enchantments exist in pauper. Many of them are pretty damn good. Like you got the bridges that ponza cant usually touch with those Stone Rains then you got Makeshift Munitions and Rancor that deserve removal. Masked Vandal is the card I use to maindeck that hate. It's no guarantee though, its low cost of 2 mana is offset by the need to exile a creature from your own graveyard. Magical Christmas land will let you do that through Faithless Looting on turn 1 followed up with this card.
It just felt right to have a body that has an ETB that dealt with artifacts and enchantments. Would love to see a downshift from Reclamation Sage But for now, it's the most mana efficient on a stick with Masked Vandal
Sideboard this if you aren't seeing much in the way of an artifact or enchantment strategy. Or aren't seeing ninja-faerie decks.
Thorn of the Black Rose
Howling Mine ... but for only you though -
Creature — Human Assassin
I kid, I kid. But hey, turns out getting exclusive rights to drawing more cards every turn is powerful, and holding onto that can be back breaking to your opponent. The monarch adds pressure with the advantage you have letting you draw into more threats and answers than your opponent could possibly keep up with. But if you lose it, you're in for a bad day.
Sideboard this if you don't feel like you can keep or take back the monarch emblem