
Early stage idea for a Derevi, Empyrial Tactician deck utilizing a toolbox style of play with Birthing Pod and blink effects to maximize etb and ltb triggers.


We have three main advantage "engines": our Toolbox user:birthing pod package, and Blink/Flicker effects.

Key Cards:

This is where we get to have the most fun. We run Birthing Pod , Prime Speaker Vannifar , and Eldritch Evolution as ways of tutoring up whichever play is most needed. When Birthing Pod is online and we can activate it numerous times a turn, it feels dirty. Mimic Vat isn't a tutor, but it plays really nicely with the rest of this package.

Future Expansion: Survival of the Fittest , Fauna Shaman , Chord of Calling , Green Sun's Zenith , Sylvan Tutor , Eladamri's Call , Worldly Tutor , Primal Command , Recruiter of the Guard , Natural Order

Key Cards:

Why have just one ETB trigger when you can have infinite? Eldrazi Displacer is our best blinker, but Deadeye Navigator is a close second. Roon of the Hidden Realm and Restoration Angel are the next best, one being repeatable and the other being the much better type of blink/flicker. Flickerwisp and Felidar Guardian aren't anything to scoff at either, it just goes to show how I value the others.

Potential Expansion: Nephalia Smuggler , Mistmeadow Witch , Angel of Condemnation , Glimmerpoint Stag , Wispweaver Angel


This is the majority of the cards in the deck, some super fun, some just a necessity. It is commander afterall, there are some staples you can't really avoid.


The other popular Derevi, Empyrial Tactician build type is stax. I chose to remove this package for two reasons: it isn't fun to play against, and it is kind of expensive. Anyway, here was the write up:

Key Cards:

With Derevi, Empyrial Tactician and any one of these, we often get to essential Time Walk our opponents for turns on end. As early as turn 4, we can be the only ones able to play magic. That's actually one of the reasons this package takes a backseat to the others, it can be pretty infuriating to play against and commander is about fun.

Potential Expansion: Static Orb , Tangle Wire , Gaddock Teeg , Aven Mindcensor


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