This is a fairly standard green devotion build. The deck works by using the synergies with Arbor Elf, Utopia Sprawl, Garruk Wildspeaker, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to land a big fatty early or shoot off Genesis Wave.
Enternal Witness and Primal Command are in the deck to help stay alive and gain tempo advantage before going off.Primal Command is a key part of the deck, and the deck would not work without it.
Elvish Visionary and Harmonize help with this decks biggest problem, card advantage. This deck can have very explosive starts, but will run into trouble if its early threats are dealt with or if it has a lackluster opening hand.
Primal Command and Dragonlord Atarka are the only things approaching removal in the main board because the deck should be fast enough that it doesn't need to worry to much about what the opponent is doing. Also adding removal would just detract from the ramp, and make the deck slower and thus worse on the whole.
The win conditions for the deck are Primeval Titan, Craterhoof Behemoth, Dragonlord Atarka, pumping something with Kessig Wolf Run, and throwing half the deck on the table with Genesis Wave. The -4 on Garruk Wildspeaker also works as a pretty good win con if there are enough mana dorks and low drops in play.
The side board needs a lot or work, but I'm focusing on the main board for now. Currently I have Ancient Grudge for problem artifacts. Banefire for control decks, specific problem cards, and anything that can set up a board that blocks well against the deck. Mistcutterhydra for anything with blue and a lot of contour spells in it. Polukranos, World Eater for tokens, or if I need more spot removal, although it is a little clunky. The Scavenging Ooze for more graveyard hate and life gain. The Nylea, God of the Hunt if I want to lower my curve and to maybe give the Mistcutterhydras trample. The Acidic Slime is for land destruction. I also have a Pithing Needle incase I see anything that needs that.
Currently I'm focusing on how aggressive I want the deck to be. The Strangleroot Geists are very aggressive, but also make great blockers. The thing is I'm not sure they are really helping move the deck towards its goal of big mana. I've been thinking that I should maybe take them out in favor of 2 Voyaging Satyrs and 2 Scaveging Ooozes.
The other big question I have is how many fetch lands to play. I mostly use them to get basic forests after the first Stomping Grounds, so I’m not sure I need six. I really don’t want to draw lands late game, but I’m not sure if the thinning is worth the life loss.
Any advice is appreciated, thanks.