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Mythical Ascendancy Combo




Creature (3)

Artifact (1)

My list focusing on Ascendancy combo with myth realized as a possible turn 1 play to help provide more stability in the deck.

There are 2 separate card combinations that can lead to a victory, it's fairly complicated but with practice it becomes fairly straight-forward.

combo 1: Mill your opponent out.

what do I need?-1x creature

-1x Altar of the Brood

-1x Briber's Purse

-1x Jeskai Ascendancy

-1x Retraction Helix

Cast your creature, Altar of the brood and pass the turn, the next turn cast Briber's Purse for X=0 and then Jeskai Ascendancy, now cast Retraction Helix targeting your creature. You can now abuse a simple loop:

-tap creature to bounce Briber's Purse back to your hand.

-cast Briber's Purse for x=0, triggering Altar of the Brood milling your opponent for 1.

-this triggers Jeskai Ascendancy which lets you draw and discard (only do this if you need to dig for Swan Song to protect your combo, and then untap your creature.

You and now free to tap him again, bounce the purse and repeat until you have milled out your opponent.

Combo 2: Lethal damage

what do I need?

-1x creature that can attack

-1x mana-dork

-1x non-creature permanent (1 cmc or less, I use Briber's Purse , Dragon Mantle or Myth Realized) that can be bounced using the Retraction Helix loop.

-1-2x Jeskai Ascendancy

-1x Retraction Helix

Cast both creatures (in this example we will use Rattleclaw and Caryatid) and pass the turn, on your next turn cast Jeskai Ascendancy and your bounce permanent ( dragon mantle here ) attached to Rattleclaw. Now cast Retraction Helix on Caryatid and follow this loop:

-Tap Sylvan Caryatid, bouncing Dragon Mantle back to hand.

-Tap Rattleclaw Mystic floaitng 1 red mana.

-Cast Dragon Mantle targeting Rattleclaw Mystic triggering ascendacy, ignore the loot trigger and untap both Rattleclaw and Caryatid giving them both +1/+1.

-Draw a card off of Dragon Mantle.

Repeat until you have enough +1/+1's on Rattleclaw that they can swing for lethal, you can bounce blockers using spells you draw from the loop to trigger ascendacy for that.

Myth Realized gains a lore counter every time you recast your bounced permanent. You can also activate it into a creature and then cast Twinflame or cast Twinflame on your boosted Rattleclaw for more damage.



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Revision 3 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Altar of the Brood main
-1 Cranial Archive side
-1 Dig Through Time main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

31 - 7 Rares

5 - 3 Uncommons

20 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.38
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Morph 2/2 C
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