Fun deck combining two of my favorite things, extra turns and extra life.
Card Explanations
Ajani Steadfast= Great card, fantastic way to get the infinite combo going.
Aqueous Form= Heroic activator, unblockable is great on anything, especially Daxos
Artisan of Forms
= Insurance against all the big rude creatures currently in the meta.
Banishing Light= Really solid removal
Battle Mastery= who doesn't like double strike? Heroic activator, turns Daxos into a walking death machine.
Daxos of Meletis= Key card for combo and also just great to get rid of, steal, and gain life off of opponents cards. Yes there are 4 of them to increase the chance of drawing him, and getting him again if he gets killed.
Feat of Resistance
= Protection, really good heroic activator, getting that counter and protection is fantastic
Flooded Strand= Low CMC means we can survive with less land overall, and flooded helps thin us out slightly while still letting us get what we need.
Gods Willing
= protection, heroic, little bit of scry never hurt anyone.
Mana Confluence= This is in here because of daxos and the artisan, more often than not I steal or turn into something that requires land colors I do not have to activate its abilities and whatnot, this is a card that helps me fully optimize both daxos and the artisan.
Nyx-Fleece Ram= Groans from opponents when I play it, card is great against aggro life gain is important in this deck, and every so often the sheep is the hero of the day and swings for lethal.
Ordeal of Heliod
= great for heroic, and easy to combo into 2+ extra turns with the sage quite easily.
Sage of Hours= Whole point of the deck, slap sunbond on him, gain that life, get those extra turns.
Soldier of the Pantheon= Mulligan for this card in your starting hand, against multi color decks this card just flat out wins games.
Sunbond= Makes everything big, and get the sage all the extra turns ever.
Triton Tactics= sneaky sneaky heroic activator/ way to kill opponents stuff when they swing in. All around has a ton of benefits that can be used as needed.
Dawnbringer Charioteers
= vs. mono red and flying heavy decks
= decks with god win cons and big enchantment threats
Gods Willing
= extra protection against removal
Seeker of the Way
= replaces Soldier of the Pantheon vs mono decks, also great lifelinker
Triton Tactics= vs heavy aggro decks for more defence
Maybe Cards
Clever Impersonator= basically bigger artisan to copy stuff like planewalkers
Soul of Theros
= big removal target with great infinite combo activation
Wingmate Roc= really solid all around