
This is a pauper deck that I have been working on for a while. It's based around the idea of game 1 running a infinite combo or smashing face with typhoid rats to win. Then game 2 you sideboard into a control deck and win by giving fear to a creature and enchanting it to win.

The main combo in this deck is Blessing of Leeches , Guilty Conscience , and Spiteful Shadows . These cards work together in the way that Guilty Conscience makes it so whenever a creature does damage it takes damage. Spiteful Shadows on the other hand makes it so whatever damage is done to a creature is done to the player controlling the creature. Finally Blessing of Leeches allows for the combo to be infinite and keeps the creature alive so you can combo forever.

The second combo your going to use often in game 1 is Crypt Rats equipped with Eternal Thirst . This makes it so whenever you wipe the board and you kill stuff it enables your rats to live and start to beat while gaining life.

So the main differences between these two combos are what decks they are good against.

~The rats combo is a very good way to win against a Aggro deck as the rats wipe the field off and you gain life to counteract any burn they might have. This is also reinforced by leeches so you can keep your rats alive if they lightning bolt it or something.

~The Aura combo is much better against slower decks that take longer to get online or decks you know you can out last by utilizing your enchantments correctly.

Now siding into game two you normally just replace parts of your combo with cards that help you control the board. Now things not to side out ever.

~Heliod's Pilgrim

Heliod's Pilgrim is going to always be a helpful card. The reason being is either

A: it grabs your combo pieces during game 1

B: it stalls the game so you don't die

C: grabs the buff spells for game 2

That's really the only card you strait up shouldn't side out. This deck is a very toolboxy deck with lots of answers if you know what your doing. Because of this you really have to side into your own playstyle.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors URG

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Folders Pauper stuff
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