This significantly powers up Spellstutter Sprite, Scion of Oona, and Mistbind Clique. On its own it can kill an opponent in 7 turns. And although central to the deck, keep in mind the clock that this puts on yourself. If not managed properly this can and will kill you, especially against decks like burn/aggro. Sometimes siding this out is the right play.
Spellstutter Sprite
If you can counter a spell with this, you usually want to. If you know what your opponent has in hand, you can time this more precisely. If you have a high Faerie count on the field, all bets are off. If this is a hard counter, treat it as such. If you can get extra out of it, great; but know when to toss it on the battlefield with no targets. Sometimes you just need a chump blocker or a Faerie for Mistbind Clique (or another Spellstutter Sprite).
Mistbind Clique
Assume youre walking this into removal, since you probably are. Casting this turn 4 with no knowledge of your opponent's hand is risky, and will probably lead to a 2 for 1. If you have an alternate Faerie on board, things get a little safer. Keep in mind this is non targeting, your opponent has to kill all your Faeries (or Mistbind Clique itself) to prevent this from championing. Otherwise, this is a highly versatile spell. It can protect your Faeries, save you from Bitterblossom, or used to recast another Faerie when paired with a kill spell. The pseudo Time Walk effect is good unless your opponent is running a lot of non-land mana sources. Of important note: It cant be bolted or decayed, blocks favourably with Kalitas and Restoration Angel. Casting it in combat can catch your opponent completely by surprise.
Vendilion Clique
A superstar in mana control/tempo lists. Thanks to our synergy, we get even more use out of him. You can target your opponent to screw up their game plan, or target yourself to cycle a dead Bitterblossom or other card. Or you can flash him in and start the beatdown. Hes also great as a surprise blocker. Proper use of Vendilion Clique is key. Make sure to make the right choices for cycling, both you and your opponent get a draw. Dont let this lead to bad decisions though, dont be too afraid of your opponents top deck. A good rule of thumb is whether or not you can win the game judging from your hand and your opponent's hand, do your best to make the correct decision and preventing your opponent from getting ahead.
Scion of Oona
Youre walking this into removal as well. Functionally it is good protection for your Faeries, but it also is under risk of being destroyed if used as a counterspell. If your opponent tapped out to cast a kill spell, you're usually safe. But be mindful of the risks. This card lends itself to a more Midrange build, which could be good if you're expecting to face a lot of late-game-centered decks. Getting 2 on the field is a great softlock that is difficult to disrupt.* Play on upkeep to force them to waste a turn countering!
Collective Brutality///Profane Command
If ever black got a silver bullet, this is it. None of the options are great on their own, but being able to choose all two-three is amazing.