This Deck is prty straight forward.Cast Hydra after Hydra and watch your opponent go "aaaw sh***" everytime.
On to the Strategy of the Deck
Win Cons:
With the current Setup I frequently get the first Hydra (preferable Kalonian Hydra) on turn 4 rdy to swing on turn 5 as 8/8)
Well, Steamrolling the opponent Aside Fling is also a nice GameEnder since the Hydras easily exceed the 20/20 mark and get out of hand just soooo fast (atleast in my local meta). I have it in there mainly as a counter to some nasty Doom Blade's or the likes though.
Mayael's Aria is also a nice way to go for the longer Round and just well- kinda hillarious to go like - "my turn- oh dude btw - I win" - it gets overlooked quite frequently.
Combos in this deck are REALLY straight forward, and I think just looking at the Decklist, you can figure them out yourselfs - If not lemme know and i'll add some Description for those.
and the other spells are mostly Utillity- everything prty straight forward i think.All in all - Pump thouse counters, and swing for game.
In my local meta, I didnt have to deal to much with flyers, though if I had to, I was usually fine Ignoring them since my Hydras are way bigger anyways.So they either didnt attack cauz the needed the blocker, or attacked and I had myself a free swing eitherway.
Used to have more Spells for protection of my Hydras in there.So Now im currently thinking of completly removing the White part, making it more stable in the G/R Devision- however once I get my hand on a couple of 'em sweet Boros Charm's I think they alone justify the white splatter, theyre just to usefull. >> little story for fun
HIDE Faced a mono- black deck wich strategy was to basicly draw and cast half the deck in 1 turn, by constantly sacrificing and gaining life to pay for the spells, than end it with a card that basicly said - deal 2 dmg for every spell u played this turn-should have seen his face when he was just in the midst of pulling off his game feeling all save, just to be finished of by the Boros Charm as soon as he went beloew 4 life
As always, Im always open for suggestions on how to improve this Deck.