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Golgari Sacrifices





This deck uses creatures as a resource. Creatures like Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist, and Slitherhead are all meant to be tossed. You can sacrifice them to draw cards (with Altar's Reap), make other creatures bigger (like card:Bloodflor Connoisseur and Mortician Beetle), or simply pass the Jinxed Idol to your opponent. If you are doing the last option, BE AWARE that your opponent can return the favor at any moment. Keeping a creature in mind for sacrificing at all times this artifact is on the battlefield is a safe bet. Once a creature is in the graveyard for good, Scavenging Ooze and Varolz, the Scar-Striped can use them AGAIN for even more value! Varolz can even used in combat thanks to it's regeneration ability. The main win condition in this deck is achieved by attacking your opponent, preferably with a creature you pumped via a few sacrifices. Another option is by stacking card:Jinxed Idols on the opposite side of the battlefield. Hardened Scales, Collected Company, and Altar's Reap all speed up the process.

The sideboard is setup to remove creatures between your creatures and your opponent's face. Bone Splinters and Tragic Slip are often interchangeable, but you may need one more than the other in certain match ups. Killing Wave is for decks which through multiple creatures in your path. This will either wipe the board quickly and easily or, if your opponent decides to pay the tax, bring your opponents close enough for the KO. If you simply can't outpace the opponent, Rite of Consumption is a great game finisher. Pump up one creature and use Rite of Consumption as a pseudo-Goblin-Grenade to launch that beast at your opponent's dome. Rite of Consumption is very close to finding a slot in the mainboard.

The maybeboard contains a bunch of cards I considered while I built and tested this deck. The maybeboard is organized by what I perceive as relevance in the form of quantity; the more copies of a card in the maybeboard, the more useful I think it could be. PLEASE scan through it and provide any recommendations you have to improve this idea. You can thank Bloodflow Connoisseur and Young Wolf for giving me this idea when they were, for some unknown reason, both out of place - in the same out-of-place place - in my card box when I was looking for something completely different one day.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

31 - 3 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
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