My first deck in standard. Black Red Vampire Madness.

Our big players are Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Olivia, Mobilized for War.

Having first strike on Drana allows for a sneaky trick that often gets over looked early in the game. Having Drana lead the attack before the main combat (with first strike), before other attacking creatures deal their damage, they will receive the +1/+1 from her. Giving them a quick boost for extra damage.

Olivia, Mobilized for War is a big discard outlet for our 'madness' cards. Allowing us to play a creature (maybe a Bloodmad Vampire ) with a +1/+1 counter and haste. Then discarding (playing with madness) a firey temper to clear a path through potential blockers or bomb the life total further.

Our main balance in this deck is: 'Madness' and 'Discard Outlets'.

Discard outlets:

Lightning Axe - Removal

Insolent Neonate - Simply for the discard

Heir of Falkenrath   - Turn 3 flier

Olivia, Mobilized for War - Boss

Geier Reach Sanitarium - Mainly late game when we're trying to find an answer.


Avacyn's Judgment - Removal or face bomb

Bloodhall Priest - Usually last card in hand to play. Perfect top decker.

Bloodmad Vampire - Love to see this guy the turn after a Olivia.

Fiery Temper - Removal or reach for the face

Gisa's Bidding - Desparate chump blockers. However, primarily to have some cheap sac's for...

Voldaren Pariah   - Decent flying threat as is. Once transformed, major removal/flying threat.

Voldaren Pariah   is easy to drop on turn 3 and transform on turn 4.

Shreds of Sanity is to bring back our Axe or Temper and a Bidding, Voice, Judgement or another Sanity.

Always looking to experiment and improve so please feel free to drop some suggestions. +1 if vampires is your thing. Regardless, I hope you enjoy my take on the Madness that is Vampires!

Happy duelling!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WUG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.50
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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