Hi everyone! I've finally been able to try this deck out at an FNM. My score was 2-2. This deck worked better than I thought. I could've went 3-1 if I did missplay. My match ups were black white control, esper control, and Bant Company. Those were the only decks I played against the whole night. I won't break down what I did turn by turn but I will summarize.
Round 1: (Lost)Bant Comapny: This is a tough matchup. Make sure you can ramp out to Dromoka fast! Also hope you get a Thunderbreak for Reflector Mage. I lost due to drawing land instead of creatures. Sideboard of Hallowed Moonlight wreked him second game. Last game he won due dragonslayer sideboard. Killed my Dromoka for the win. I could've killed the slayer with a draconic roar but I missed it. It cost me the game.
Round 2: (Won): Esper Control: This deck was annoying! This kid kept saying "land and pass." The game was long because we kept countering my creatures the first couple of turns. I pulled out Atarka and he couldn't draw a response in time. I 2-0 the guy because he had no answer for Atraka both times. The creatures I played didn't stop and he ran out of resources. Keep putting threats and you can win.
Round 3: (Lost):Black white control: is your best match up! I kept playing creatures to the point of them running out of resources. Thunderbreak and Dragon Lord Dramoka are game winners. They force the player to address the threat. Also haven of the spirit dragon saved me many times from running out of creatures. Just watch out for exile cards. They can hurt but you can recover. The one thing that helped was not putting multiple creatures with the same name due to Declaration in Stone. Overall I won this match. Didn't really sideboard.
Round 4(Won): Black white control: It happened the same as the other match BW control except Haven saved me! Recycle Thunderbreak to force a threat, I won due to Nissa Voice pumping my dragons for wins both times.
Overall: The deck isn't bad but I'm still learning. The mana base needs work but I'll hopefully figure it out. Thanks