

This deck's main focus is to artifact excel to cast Avacyn, Angel of Hope ASAP and then proceed to boardwipe. It has a little bit of combo in it but not much to really label as combo.

After playing hundreds of hours with each deck kind of merged with each other. I've decided to remake the deck while providing focus on it's weaknesses. Weaknesses include: No graveyard hate, little card draw, early aggro, and no creature tutors.

Win Cons:

1. Voltron- 21 commander damage
2. Rage Quit- Opponents scoop because everything is gone.
3. Aggro- Sometimes you win on angel tokens alone.

Here are some fun combos:

Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Worldslayer =This is what this deck is about.

Armageddon + Ghostly Prison = If opponents don't have mana stones then they can't attack you! Even if they did they'll likely try to use them to keep casting their hands and attack other players.

Land Tax + Scroll Rack = AKA the Tax Rack. This combo has helped me get my card draw to where I need it for this deck. "Land Tax for three lands, scroll rack them to the top of your deck. Beginning of your next upkeep, search for three lands and shuffle. Rack them again. Rinse and repeat." -NoSoyYucateco

Buried Ruin + Crucible of Worlds = 1 Artifact recursion for 2 per turn.

Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine = 1 Land destroyed per turn.

Buried Ruin + Crucible of Worlds + Expedition Map = Tutor for any land every turn for 5.

Nevinyrral's Disk + Voltaic Key = That turn wipe.

Enlightened Tutor + Sensei's Divining Top = Whatever you tutor goes to your hand that turn.

Sensei's Divining Top + Land Tax or Weathered Wayfarer = Can shuffle your deck should your next 3 cards be unfavorable.

Entreat the Angels + Sensei's Divining Top allows you to plan for the miracle cost easier.

Path to Exile\Extraplanar Lens\Ghost Quarter + Land Tax\Weathered Wayfarer Is a good way to get your enemy to have more land than you so you can activate their abilities. Also just waiting before you play a land if you didn't go first is good too.

Weathered Wayfarer + Any land. This is an amazing toolkit. We have lots of lands that answer lots of problems and being able to pay 1 white mana to find said land is invaluable.

Rogue's Passage or Whispersilk Cloak Are great for ensuring your swords trigger and you hit with your absurd commander damage.

Academy Rector + High Market = tutor any enchantment and put it out in play without paying it's cost. Plus gain a life.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Indomitable Archangel + Lightning Greaves and 2 other artifacts= Is very hard to get rid of anything.

Here are some notes and issues that have come up in my games:

NOTE: Any card in your deck you own. If by chance something takes your card they don't own it but control it. So any abilities saying something about owner of said card is you and the controller is them.

NOTE: Silence, Orim's Chant and Abeyance do not work like a counter. Anything cast before this is cast is on the stack and therefore has been cast already. Then anything on the stack before this resolves still resolves. Best time to use these is during your opponents upkeep. When they untap their lands be sure to notify them you just screwed their turn.

NOTE: Elspeth Tirel +2 Ability triggers Archangel of Thune's ability for each creature you control!


I'm playing around with maybe cards so this deck still isn't final. I have 100+ hours played with at least 2 other people or more consistently for testing.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you do suggest something make sure to suggest what you would replace it with.

Ideas for this deck where gathered from:

Avacyn's Spirit Bomb

Commander / EDH ZombieCat



Avacyn, Angel of Boardwipes

Commander / EDH Poptartz95

SCORE: 153 | 498 COMMENTS | 37100 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS


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Replaced several cards with ramp doing some testing to see how it goes before I update the deck.

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