
Like most Kumena lists, this deck wants to untap its merfolk as often as possible. The plan is to use Kumena to draw a bunch of cards to stay in the game, then commit to 5 merfolk and attempt to control devastating spells with counters. Eventually, we should be able to use Kumena alone or with other merfolk to kill our opponent. You may wonder why I don't have Paradox Engine in this list - well I'm not looking to go infinite and, while there are plenty of situations where we wouldn't go infinite, the Engine seems like it would draw the wrong kind of attention. We're a merfolk tribe: slippery, stealthy, and looking to go unnoticed until it's too late.

We need as many draw effects as a normal deck since our general draws card. Based on the theory of the deck, finding ways to untap our lands ( Sword of Feast and Famine ) or to make our creatures produce mana ( Cryptolith Rite ) seem really important to allow us to do all the fun things we need to do. For this reason, Muddle the Mixture is a very important card in the list. It helps protect us from a Wrath and it finds our important 2-CMC spells in a pinch.
One of the things I want to focus on is making use of tapping and untapping our merfolk. We can make Kumena unblockable at any time and we can draw cards. Those are the two most likely scenarios, so how to we take advantage of that? Below are searches for cards in Gatherer in order of things most likely to happen.

(1) Tap/Untap Stuff:

(2) Drawing cards:

(3) +1/+1 counters:

Version 2


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Oh man is Kumena fun to play. I didn't win anything, but I got to tap things, untap things, draw cards, foil a plan to kill the table, hit someone for some commander damage they could do nothing about... Good times were had.

That being said, I had issues with some cards:

  • Vanquisher's Banner: it surprised me that this didn't do enough for it's inclusion - but I don't want to rely on casting creatures to draw cards. I think this card is bad.
  • Shapers of Nature: dear lord, I knew this card was bad, but it was so much worse than I anticipated. I'd rather it had been almost any other merfolk. Wistful Selkie, Stonybrook Banneret, heck Merfolk Trickster would have been better - I'm still considering that one, actually.
  • Hadana's Climb  Flip: it probably isn't terrible, it just didn't do anything in the game I played - too much bouncing, killing, etc. It never got a chance to shine. It may be too slow.
  • Sylvan Library: I know this card is good, but I almost never want to cast it. This is definitely a mentality problem on my part, but I'm listing it anyway.

Cards that over-performed:

  • Merrow Commerce: it's different than Quest, but I wouldn't say it's better. First of all, it can tap for Kumena, totally forgot about this. Second, it's searchable. I expected this card to be good, and it was great.
  • Harbinger of the Tides: This wasn't amazing or anything, but boy did it pack a punch when it wasn't expected. Flashing it in at instant speed was particularly relevant for countering combat tricks, bouncing giant threats, and surprise activating Kumena.

Lastly, cards I wish I had: more counters. As the only person stopping anyone from doing broken things, my poor suite of counterspells was quickly out-paced and the person doing broken things infinite-comboed the table. In particular, I wish I had Force of Will, Disallow, and Heroic Intervention. I was thinking about Inspiring Call during the games I played, and I think that if I had a way to untap lands that it might have been better.

That brings me to my last point: I think the deck wants Leyline of Anticipation and/or Vedalken Orrery in addition to Winding Canyons. Also, untapping lands would have gone a long way towards stabilizing. Sword of Feast and Famine, Bear Umbra, and The Immortal Sun are all cards I would like to see in this deck. I'm making the switch of Sun for Vanquisher's Banner today. As for the rest of this, we'll see what I don't mind taking out.


96% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Elemental 1/0 U, Merfolk 1/1 U, Merfolk 1/1 U w/ Hexproof, Plant 0/2 G
Folders Kumena, Built
Ignored suggestions
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