My Modern Jund/land destruction deck. This deck is played fairly similar to Jund, but with a land destruction theme. I feel that in the current meta-game, there are a lot of greedy lands in modern and most decks can be exposed to land disruption. The major problem with that strategy that most land destruction spells can't be cast until it's already too late. Hence, why I've tried to couple the land disruption with early game card advantage/disruption spells that Jund provides. Unlike Jund however, this deck looks more for early game mana ramp in order to get out a 3 drop spell on turn 2. If that's not going to occur, it then can shift gears and continue to run turn 2 disruption. Once early game control has been established, it looks for a ghost quarter/crucible combo to lock down your opponents land. Crucible also combo's very well with a bust, as you can recoup all your lands and your opponent won't be able to. Finally, the decks main win con is through combat damage(although most times your opponent has scooped before lethal damage). Shivan Wumpus is your finisher.
Deck notes/strategies/combos: Gemstone mine really helps this deck mana fix since it's running 3 colors with 6 colorless mana. It also combos well with crucible. Boom/Bust combos with your fetchlands (target it then fetch) as well as darksteel. You can use your man lands as an alternate win con late game if needed. Ideally, the deck looks to run disruption turns 1-2, and then move into land destruction turns 3-5. Once control is established, it looks to lock your opponent out of their lands with crucible/ghost quarter combo, or a turn 5-6 bust (assuming you have crucible in play). If you opponent hasn't scooped yet, just dig for a wumpus and beat them to death!
Side Board Notes:
Burn: Side out - Thoughseize/abrupt decay. Side in - Trinisphere/Dragon's claw/extirpate/chalice of the void. Burn is a tough match up for this deck b/c they can operate with very few lands. You need to try and survive the early game onslaught, then shut them down with crucible/ghost quarter combo. Trinisphere to help slow them down. Dragon's claw for life gain. extirpate to try and remove full playsets of burn spells. Chalice of the void to try and turn off all their 1 drops.
Amulet Bloom: Side out - lightning bolt. Side in - Blood moon/Shadow of doubt/Chalice of the void. Blood moon is obvious against bloom. Shadow of doubt helps with disruption. Chalice of the void can be cast and set to 0 CMC to shut down the hive mind/pact combo.
Twin: Side out - fulminator mage/boom bust/molten rain. Side in - Rending volley/choke/rakdos charm/extirpate. Abandon the land destruction against twin. Side in choke to shut down their islands. Rakdos charm is hilarious against them. Rending volley is an obvious choice. Extirpate can really help if you can catch a combo piece with inquisition.
Bogles: Side out - lightning bolt/boom bust/molten rain/fulminator mage. Side in - Anger of the gods/chalice of the void/trinisphere/blood moon/extirpate. Here you can abandon the land disruption strategy and look to just remove their creatures. Anger doesn't target so it gets around hexproof. Chalice to shut down their 1 drops. Tirnisphere will slow them down. Blood moon should almost win every time. Extirpate can really wipe out a full creature set. Leave abrupt decay in, as it can still target their enchantments. Bolts are useless against them.
Jund/Junk: Side out - Liliana/birds of paradise/. Side in - Blood moon/dragon's claw/scavenging ooze. Jund/Junk match ups is one were it's ideal to take advantage of their greedy land bases. Land disruption is the key to winning this match up. Blood moon may seem like a strange choice, but it will really render more than 2/3's of their deck unplayable. By having a larger amount of red spells in your deck, you will win the numbers game. Also, you can presume they will also be sitting with a handful of removal spells just looking for something to target. Therefore, it's better to stay one step ahead of them and just concede to the fact that your birds won't survive. This slows you down a bit, but also leaves them with a handful of unplayable cards. Side in extirpate to deal with there playset of goyf's. Kill or inquisition 1 and you get all 4. Dragon's claw for life gain and b/c it combo's well with blood moon. Scavenging ooze for life gain. No need to run Liliana against them b/c it doesn't hurt them (or you). Let them waste their mana on her.
Zoo: Side out - Faithless looting/thoughtseize. Side in - Anger of the gods/extirpate/scavenging ooze/shadow of doubt/kolaghan's command. Basic strategy against zoo is to seek out and destroy their fetch lands. Extirpate is great against them. Zoo has an extremely greedy land base in order to work. It doesn't need a lot of land to operate, but if you can keep them off one or two colors, it severally hinders their creatures/pumps. If zoo can't play creatures, zoo can't win. Fortunately, just about every card in the deck is useful in one way or another against a zoo deck, so the deck can abandon the card advantage spells in favor of more hate cards. Anger of gods for a board wipe. Extirpate to remove full sets of fetchlands or creatures. Scavenging ooze to benefit off their creatures that you killed. Shadow of doubt as additional disruption to their fetches. Kolaghan's command makes a nice utility card against them. There will be times were you need a creature back, or just an additional kill spell.
Hatebears: Side out - Liliana/faithless looting/birds of paradise. Side in - Blood moon/rakdos charm/rending volley/anger of the gods/extirpate. As with other decks not running red, same strategy applies her. Load up on red spells and look for a blood moon. You'll easily out "hate" them with land destruction spells. All you need to do is keep Aether vial off the board and you'll be fine. Again, in this match up you don't really need card advantage to win b/c you'll almost always be top decking to a useful card against them. You can also live without the birds since hate bears is a slower deck. Play a 3 drop turn 2 isn't as critical.