The tactic in this deck is very simple... counters, counters and more counters. The main strategy is to get Kalonian Hydra and Corpsejack Menace on the field together (having Alpha Authority on both would be the best set up. This deck builds mana quick due to 10 cards being cheap mana building creatures.
Strategy step 2
While having Kalonian Hydra on the field with Corpsejack Menace, you can use bioshift to transfer counters across creatures for a massive counter increase. If Corpsejack Menace is on the field first, then when Kalonian Hydra comes into play he is an 8/8. You can use Bioshift to transfer all but one counter onto Corpsejack, which will increase them to 14. Then, you can use one more Bioshift to transfer back to Kalonian Hydra making him a 29/29. When he attacks, he will double his counters to 58/58 and Corpsejack will increase that to 87/87 on his first attack.
Safety Strategy
In the scenario that someone destroys Kalonian before he can attack, you can use Bioshift to transfer counters from him onto either Sylvan Caryatid of Witchstalker. Since they both have hexproof, your counters will be safe until you have a creature that you can place them on later (such as another Kalonian).
During play with a friend, I was able to get 2 Kalonian Hydras and 2 Corpsejack menaces on the field all during the same time. Both Kalonians were at 12/12 due to Corpsejack Menace being on the field before them, One was able to attack. I attacked with him, making both Kalonians go to 60/60. My opponent used fog. Next turn I moved all counters from one to the other with bioshift, making him a 240/240. I attacked with him making him a 1200/1200 with Trample.
P.S. The Kalonian I move all counters to was enchanted with Alpha Authority.
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