Before I get into the description I want to say that the deck is called Broken Wings because of its flyer-based creature base and its boken synergy with Ornithopter. If you want to bring this brew to an FNM, please do not change the name, and credit your 0/0/X to me.
This is a deck that takes advantage of Ornithopter and its synergies with aggressively costed creatures that have drawbacks, which are irreverent with an Ornithopter.
The deck is fairly simple and obvious. First turn you will want to play a land. Any land will work if you have a Springleaf Drum. It is very good when you have a drum, however not entirely needed. What is needed is an Ornithopter. But for Magical Christmas Land's sake, let have both. play your land. lets say it's an Island. play Springleaf Drum and cast Ornithopter. use the drum off the thopter to cast Faerie Impostor. return the thopter to your hand and you now hae a 2 power flyer on turn one.
Turn two can be very fun as well. Since we are already in Magical Christmas Land, lets have an Illusory Angel in our hand. cast the Ornithopter and use the Springleaf Drum with the thopter to make mana. With your two lands, you can make three mana to play the angel. now you can get in there for two with your faerie and end turn two with a 4 power flyer.
Seems pretty good right? well that's because it is. However, Magical Christmas Land does not exist, so we must make do with the other spells in the deck. I will say, it is very hard to function without an Ornithopter. With one is a totally different story.
Laastly, I have the four Shrapnel Blast for a little extra reach, and making use of those dumb thopters and drums in the later stages of the game. The sideboard is totally just a mix match of counters and removal and I have no idea what to do with it.
Please do feel free to play this at your FNM and use its amazingly clever name with its terrible win percentage (maybe) and please do make suggestions on the deck. I would love to make this competitive. .