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Krenko's Army of Destruction

Casual* Burn Control Goblins UR (Izzet)


This is a deck that my girlfriend plays with (yes, Magic players have girlfriends) that for the most part she designed and with the help of myself and other friends tweeked. It is still a work in progress and we make changes as we move along. She loves my goblin and burn decks so she wanted a combined one.

So as of the date of posting this deck the following cards are in it (sideboard to follow once I teach her how to use one).

Propaganda was a card she saw in one of our local card shops. She read it and immediately said that it belongs in her deck. It has paid off greatly and she has won and/or nearly won most games with this in play. (this would be a Modern deck with out it)

gutternsnipe, the devilish Goblin Shaman that everyone loves to hate especially in a burn/control deck load with instants and sorceries.

Hypersonic Dragon helps with getting sorceries out plus it gives the deck some beefed up flyers. Having Guttersnipe in play also helps with getting a burn win condition.

Krenko's Command & Hordeling Outburst gets out chump blockers as well as the goblins eeded to help support Krenko, Mob Boss when he is in play.

The last goblin to note is Goblin Chieftain. Giving your tokens +1/+1 and haste is a killer combo. Tap Krenko, Mob Boss before combat and then attack with a goblin horde... nice chance for a victory.

As for burning, Annihilating Fire , Incinerate, Lightning Strike, and Mizzium Mortars are pretty standard to use. We had two Bonfire of the Damned in the deck but then realized that Crater's Claws does the same thing as the miracle cost but also has an added bonus with the Ferocious trigger.

Now for the few blue... Cancel is good; Disperse is a great bounce option (she targeted her own card once which helped to win the game); and lastly Blustersquall with Overload cost has helped her to take out a few opponents at once in a free-for-all match.

The final car.....Inferno Titan, who doesn't love this guy that plays red/burn decks. Ouch.

Hope you guys like this deck. Suggestions are welcomed to help make this deck even stronger for a new player.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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