I got the idea for this deck from watching Serge Yager from Loading Ready Run turn his Canadian Highlander deck into a Muldrotha EDH deck. Below, I'll breakdown the deck and describe how it works, for my own fun ig.
The deck has 2 Commanders, Muldrotha and Yarok. Choose whichever you want, Mudrotha works as a crucible in you command zone and Yarok doubles your landfall triggers. Your main goal is to use land synergies to build up your board state and finish the game out with a huge army of big bois, a huge X spell, or by drowning your opponents in card and mana advantage.
Advantage bois
These are creatures like Coiling Oracle, Oracle of Muldaya, and Lotus Cobra. These creatures offer card and mana advantage and, usually, you want these to be your early turns. An early Lotus Cobra can set this deck up so quickly that your opponents won't know where you got all these 5/3 Elementals all of a sudden (more on that later). Advantage creatures can also be bigger bois that can really set the deck up for the endgame. Tatyova, Yarok, and The Gitrog Monster all act as enablers for insane turns that left unchecked will lead to a fast win.
Timmy Loves This Next Part
These Creatures are a Timmy's bread and Phyrexian butter. Creatures like Terastodon, Ulvenwald Hydra, and Roil Elemental are all big creatures with big effects. Dropping one of these will force your opponents to try to deal with them while you set up future plays.
Ramp is key in a lands deck, but it's a special kind of ramp. Lands in your graveyard are almost as important as lands on your field, so ramp that also fills your yard is perfect. Harrow and Realms Uncharted get lands into your yard and Life from the Loam can get them out. Land tutors are also very important, you're playing with some of the most powerful lands in the format after all. Crop Rotation can grab lands like Glacial Chasm and Maze of Ith at instant speed to save you in a pinch. Tempt with Discovery can get you anywhere from 1-4+ lands onto the field untapped, if you can tempt your opponents, and Scapeshift is so good, you'll see it in the win con section.
Removal/Board Wipes
Removal and board wipes are always important. The deck is low on board wipes, since we want our board as large as possible, but we do run Toxic Deluge as it's the best you can get and even hits those pesky indestructible creatures for the low cost of some life. For targeted removal we have Assassin's Trophy, Beast Within, and Putrefy. Beast Within can even be used as removal for any permanent, including our own creatures.
The Obvious
Obviously we're running Sylvan Library, Rhystic Study, Sol Ring, and Crucible of Worlds. These cards are staples of EDH for a reason. Just remember your Study Triggers and that with Courser of Kruphix and Oracle of Muldaya you show all the cards you draw with Library AND you reveal the top of your deck before putting back any cards.
The Rest
Horn of Greed is pretty Straight forward, anyone plays a land, they draw. If this was CEDH I probably wouldn't run it, but in casual games I've found that it sticks around pretty long since your opponents don't mind having it on board until you go wild. Just remember Horn is "PLAYS" not enters so fetches still only give you 1 land. Zendikar's Roil and Retreat to Hagra give you more landfall nonsense and work to getting you that win. Zuran Orb is one of my favorite artifacts and seeing new players react to it is so fun. Zuran Orb combos with Gitrog and Titania, giving you draws with the frog and elementals with Titania. Plus 2 life can be the difference between life and death sometimes.
The Walker
Nissa, Vital Force is the only walker we play in the deck. Her +1 gives you a temporary 5/5, but more importantly, it untaps a land for more use. In conjunction with Gaea's Cradle or Cabal Coffers, you can easily generate game ending amounts of mana. Her Emblem, if you get it, is incredible. Giving us a draw for every land etb is amazing in this deck, once you have it. Normally the game won't go much longer once the emblem hits.
Titania's Terrifying Tokens Terrorize Table
Scapeshift + Titania, Protector of Argoth
Titania, Protector of Argoth + Zuran Orb
Sylvan Safekeeper + Titania, Protector of Argoth
Titania and a land sacrifice outlet is a powerful synergy, making 5/3 elementals for every land that leaves play can easily stack up and you can make your opponents relive that scene from LOTR. Sacrificing your lands can be tricky, sac too many and you'll be in trouble if your opponents survive your attack, sac too little and you won't have enough power to close out the game.
I understand why it got banned
Field of the Dead + Scapeshift
I don't play standard, but as a lvl 1 Judge, I try to keep up. I didn't quite understand the Field banning until this deck. 2/2 Zombies aren't anything new, but Field of the dead shows that getting tokens just for land etbs can be a real win con. Scapeshit enables Field of the Dead in a way that just makes me feel all sorts of ways, and since all the lands etb at once, even Scapeshit into Field of the Dead is strong. Overall, I feel bad for underestimating this interaction.
Craterhoof Behemoth
Craterhoof Behemoth is one of my favorite creatures in magic. Everyone knows Hoof, if you don't welcome to EDH, meet your big beefy friend. Craterhoof is arguably the best finisher in green for a reason, giving all your creatures +X/+X where X is your creature count is nuts and in a deck like this that can pump out tokens by accident with Field of the Dead, Zendikar's Roil, Titania, Rampaging Baloths, and Avenger of Zendikar you can easily be hitting in the thousands. Hoof is best boi.
X gonna give it to ya
Villainous Wealth Genesis Wave
If combat doesn't work, put those lands to use but pumping mana into an X spell. These spells can easily end the game and fairly often you'll be stealing people's entire decks or slapping your own deck right onto the battlefield. Villainous Wealth can even steal your opponents combos or win by forcing them to draw with 0 in library.
Sushi Boi at it again
Thassa's Oracle
Been testing and obviously I had to do it, but this time it's the sushi boi being used non-degenerately (okay less degenerate). Get your library low and windmill slam the Oracle onto the table, with Yarok in play this becomes an easy and reliable win con. Now, without the use of combo.
This has been a very fun deck for me and I'd love to know if anyone got inspiration from this or even just had fun reading my 3am ramblings. You may ask why I don't have things like Tooth and Nail, Sushi Combo, or Basalt/Nyxbloom combo and simply that's because I found the deck more fun without them. I've played CEDH for a while and I love the community and the format and highly recommend it if you're interested in the most power EDH can be, but after a few years I've embraced what made me love Magic The Gathering, playing big dumb cards and doing big dumb magic. Timmy approves.