Round 1: RG Midrange
Mildly new player piloting a deck given to her by her boyfriend I think. Game 1 I mulligan to 4, fearing the worst. Opener was 0 land, six the only land was Nykthos, five was the same with 2 Genesis Hydra and a Polukranos, four was Nykthos, Elvish Mystic, Sylvan Caryatid, Courser. If I got a green land I was fine, if not I was screwed. I really didn't want to try for a three card hand, so I kept. She kept a fairly slow hand and I got Courser out before she could hit me. Long story long I combo'd without dipping below 15.
Game 1 was ridiculously long, and so mid game 2 time was called. I was winning on board, but I just had to prevent her from killing me. Her second to last turn she drops Ugin, attepting to wipe. I used Sabertooth to bounce most of my stuff and make sure she couldn't kill me. Counted down to 0 and won the round.
Round 2: Mardu Aggro/Midrange
Game 1 I mulligan once for the same reason as last time (no land). Six was a whole lot better and I snap kept it (can't remember what was in it). He mostly just kept killing my creatures until he ran out of kill spells. Combo's out and hit him with a very large Hydra.
Game 2 was terrifying. Kept my seven thank God. The jist is that he had a Brutal Hordechief, multiple Hordeling Outburst, and 2 Rabblemaster. I drew no Polukranos to kill the Hordechief, so I was taking a ton to the face every turn. Thankfully he drew not a lot of kill spells, so most of my guys stuck. Including a Sabertooth and a Nylea's Disciple. Between 3 Nykthos, a Voyaging Satyr and a ton of Devotion I gained 7, then 15, then 37 over the course of 3 turns. Next run I was dead even if I went all out generating life. Flipped over the final combo piece with Courser, drew it with Eidolon (I had a ton of creatures, just couldn't do anything with them), combo'd out and gained 100,000 life (just in case), then used a Hydra for 60 to tutor for Nylea and killed him. Close one. I was down to 6 before I started with the life gain.
Round 3: Jeskai Tokens
Game 1 went well. Can't remember too much about it, but my life total never changed. I know I combo'd and he scooped. Don't know why I can't remember. Lol.
Game 2 was a pretty short fight, but basically he just had enough burn and Monastery Mentors to take me down to 0 before I could do much. I only hit him for 3 all game.
Now I remember why I'm having trouble with recalling the last 2 games. Because Game 3 was awesome. He was doing nothing but cranking out tokens with Outburst and Raise the Alarm. I played Ugin and -0'd him. Wiped his board and eventually brought him to 3. I had the choice to either +2 Ugin and attempt the kill, or Ult him. I chose stupidly, but it ended up working out. I played a Genesis Hydra for 9 and attacked. It's a good thing I didn't infinite, because he had a Deflecting Palm for me. He didn't have enough dudes to block my dudes, and I won. Intense close game.
Round 4: Chromati-flayer
I had no idea this was a deck before this. Lol. Game 1 basically he played a Satyr Wayfinder on 2, hit Silumgar and a Chromaticore. Turn 3 played Flayer as a Hexproof Chromanti-flayer. Wasn't long before it beat me to death.
Game 2 was similar, but a bit slower for him. He ended up with a real Chromanticore and a Flayer with only chrome exiled. He had 34 life after hitting me a few times with both and I was at 2. I honestly got lucky and pulled a Chord, tutored for the last combo piece I needed (Acolyte) and combo'd in the same turn. If it wasn't for that I was dead for sure.
Game 3 wasn't interesting because he couldn't pull a second black mana. Had a massive yard, but couldn't play Flayer. Worst thing he played was Tasigur. I just killed it with Polukranos and killed him the old fashioned way.
Round 5: GB Consolation
At this point I'm a little giddy that I'm in the finals, but I keep trying to calm myself. Lol. Game 1 was fairly boring. I got dudes. He killed dudes. I had more dudes than he had kill spells. I don't think I combo'd, but I have him on my life sheet go from 14 to dead, so I might have.
Game 2 opener was terrible. Trying to remember if I mulligan'd. I kept a hand with one land (Foothills), double Mystic, and a courser. I got there and drew/Courser'd into the land I needed. He basically just had ramp and 3 Courser as well. I ended up drawing all my combo pieces fairly quickly. Combo'd out completely for the win.