Reign of Fire is a mono-red deck that focuses on getting powerful dragons out onto the battlefield as quick as possible. Spells such as Ruby Medallion, Dragonlord's Servant, and Dragonspeaker Shaman will enable you to cast multiple big baddies simultaneously by lessening their mana costs.
Early on you're likely to be vulnerable to more aggressive decks, hence the inclusion of Slumbering Dragon. His main purpose is simply to deter your opponents from attacking before you've got your dragons on the battlefield, don't aim to wake him up.
Use Sarkhan's Triumph to tutor up whatever dragon pertains to your current situation (i.e. Mana-Charged Dragon probably isn't your best option in a 1v1 setting).
Draconic Roar is your removal spell for weak or weakened creatures. Ideally you'll want to reveal a dragon every time you use it to get the added benefit of damaging your opponent, if you don't already control one of course. In the case that you don't happen to have a dragon in hand or under your control, simply tutor one up with Sarkhan's Triumph.
You're going to want your winged spawns of Satan doing damage as soon as they come out, which is where Dragon Tempest comes in. Scourge of Valkas will achieve the same effect, minus the benefit of haste. With multiple dragons and tempests under your control, the damage can rack up fast, especially when coupled with Crucible of Fire.
I've playtested this against other decks several times, but never against multiple opponents in one game. Under ideal conditions, you should be quite capable of killing your opponent on turn 5. I will include a sideboard in the near future once I have a better grasp of what does and doesn't work within this deck.