1x Godsend:
In the same way that the Modern Swords work in BW tokens im thinking godsend could do the same. Every 1/1 token becomes a 4/4 unblockable, or if on a Brimaz token it becomes a major threat. The major issue with non evasive tokens is that at turn 7 a 1/1 might become another threat and attacking doesnt really do anything to advance your board position. This is the strongest equipment available currently and also helps activate Heliod ( which is narrow but i could happen once in a blue moon ). On any one of your major threats they become un-burnable and realistically unbeatable in straight combat, which forces a straight kill spell. Godsend also seems okay against control but End Hostilities could change that if those decks become common. However it will be good against bug and junk control since its a a recyclable threat.
Eidolon of Countless Battles:
Another 3/4 mana spell is probably not great but makes a token into a 4/4 most of the time and leaves a threat on the table unless they end hostilities.
Dictate of Heliod:
Based of C Wescoes, Mardu tokens article it seems like it could be good, our curve is slightly lower than his version. Making all your tokens 3/3 and having mana open to represent either stoke or godswilling to stall the board and then dropping this seems pretty strong but im not sure about 5 mana. Also not 100% sure how many IF i do end up including these. They also turn on heliod more often and multiples only seem super bad if you dont have threats in play. Might end up increasing my curve and adding another Heliod, while removing 2 searing blood. However searing blood's double red might cause problems, the amount of mana dorks and morph creatures that are going to realistically see play make me lean toward searing blood anyway, even if it means casting it later than expected.
4x Eidolon of Great Revels:
This card just seems overall extremely strong. it might turn on a Purphoros now and then, but the shock ability on a 2/2 might be worth concidering against control decks ( the fact that i allready have them is more of a push than a pull factor , and there are probably much better options, this will come down purely to testing in my opinion ).
Magma Jet / Spray : Either one in the sideboard might be worth considering as they hit so many things post rotation ( Rabblemaster / all morph creatures / 2 of the major mana dorks for the same or less cost that they spent playing the card ). Magma Jets scry ability and mana cost seems really important since we allready have little to do on turn 2, and we actually do run some scrylands so we end up quite often playing a scry land turn one blind just to fix questionable keeps. Late game it can go to the opponents face and plainswalkers and give us a very valueble scry to potentially swing the game with a topdeck, after 5 mana we really dont want any more mana, even with heliod or purphoros mana sinks in play.