Okay, first off Astral Slide has always been one of my favorite cards. My group plays a lot of casual but competitive games. Some of these may be large multiplayer matches other can be one on one. I wanted a fun interactive deck that would excel in both. I know my side board might be a little strange, but since some of these games are large multiplayer matches, I like the idea of using Living wish to get whatever win condition I need. I am more then welcome to any recommendation, but I am on budget. I can't justify spending 100 dollars on one dual land.
Okay first off the deck is built around abusing Astral Slide, but can work without it. You're suppose to use Eternal Witness to recur anything you need from your graveyard. Lets break down the purpose of the cards.
Astral Slide- Can be used for your enter the battlefield affects or to slow down an opponents creature for a turn.
Barren Moor, Tranquil Thicket, Secluded Steppe- These are my main cycling targets. One mana to draw a card and can be easily returned to my hand with Life from the Loam or eternal Witness.
Strip Mine- Used to destroy your opponents lands and can be easily brought back to use over and over with Eternal Witness or Life from the Loam.
Eternal Dragon- Mana ramp and a 5/5 body
Knight of the Reliquary- Is my main offense and mana fixer for this deck. He gets a huge boost off of lands discarded by cycling and strip mines.
Sakura-Tribe Elder - Easy mana ramp that can be brought back with Eternal Witness or Unearth
Life from the Loam - Card advantage and Land recursion. It dredges cards into my graveyard which can be returned with Eternal Witness or Unearth. Life from the Loam can bring back any lands it mills all by itself.
Pernicious Deed - Easily controllable mass removal that can be tutored for.
Plea fro Guidance- Can tutor for Astral Slide or Pernicious Deed.
Sword to Plowshares - Spot Removal
Living Wish - By far my favorite card in the deck. Its my answer to everything. While I can probably kill any opponent with my Knight of the Reliquary & Eternal Dragon, I really count on Living Wish getting my win condition or needed removal from the side board. The one that interacts the best is Sun Titan, who can bring back Eternal Witness, Knight of the Reliquary, Astral Slide, Pernicious Deed, and Sakura Tribe- Elder. Most of the sideboard options should be obvious. If you have any questions let me know.