This is a competitive deck meant to compete against the big three. In a fast format, the fewest taplands as possible are used in this manabase. Renegade Map really helps smooth a three color mana base and makes the show lands much better. Fatal Push is the black lightning bolt, and best way to kill Winding Constrictor, Heart of Kiran and other dorks. Works well with the map. Aether Meltdown may seem like an odd choice, however it serves several purposes. Heart of Kiran is such a format warping card, that it will run away with the game if not answered. Secondly, vehicles are immune to Fumigate, so we need a way to deal with them. Aether Meltdown also makes Scrapheap Scrounger (my favorite card) useless. Next, it buys us time against B/G Fatties. A curve of Winding Constrictor into Rishkar, Peema Renegade is less scary with the meltdown in hand. Finally, a turn 2 Aether meltdown smooths the manabase with AetherHub.
Creature Choices:Contraband Kingpin - blanks every creature in Mardu vehicles bar fliers, laughs at Winding Constrictor, and is hard to take down with Walking Balista.
Selfless Spirit - I needed a two drop and this fits the bill. Not sure what should go here. I like protection from our own Fumigate and spot removal, but I want something that packs more of kick on turn 2. Like Heart of Kiran, Winding Constrictor, or Scrapheap Scrounger when your opponent is on the play. Also weak to Liliana, the Last Hope but is able to poke Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. I want something that helps use deal with opposing walkers, because they same great against this deck.
Trophy Mage - Nice body attached to a tutor for Filigree Familiar.
Filigree Familiar - Gives life when enters, gives a card when dies. Trades very well with opposing dorks. One of the few creatures I'd be willing to trade with a token. When it dies it can just be recurred with Restoration Gearsmith.
Restoration Gearsmith - Nothing like getting back a Trophy Mage to search up another familiar. Can even get back another gearsmith from the yard. Relevant, castable, body that lets us recur creatures is nothing to scoff at. Compare to Baloth Null. Lets take advantage of a format with no graveyard hate.
Fumigate clears the board, puts our creatures in the bin where they can be brought back.
Noxious Gearhulk - answer a threat with a threat. Closes the game quickly enough. Great against B/G fatties.
Spell Queller seems great for a surprise factor, but I'm not sure if I should have a forth familiar.
Any help with greatly be appreciated!