"Roses are red, so is my lightning striking your head"

Skippable introduction:

After a short time with a budget RDW, I've decided to change a bit due to the type of game I play the most (multiplayer). I decided to run a little research about what I wanted the deck to look like, also trying to find cheaper versions of the most played cards in modern format.Let's be honest. I don't think it would be a competitive deck, but Magic isn't all about hyper competitive and ultra expensive cards, is it?


Spells like Lightning Bolt allow to control the game damaging your opponents and taking out creatures you don't like when necessary (Terminate does that too, but you never now when 3 damages can be useful; Searing Blaze can do both things). Let's bring in all the other red spells that we can find in RDW/Burn decks.I'm not sure if Magma Jet is a nice choice, but I think scry is a nice think to do. Duress is a cheaper alternative to Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek, but it doesn't have the exact same effect. It still does its job, so you can watch anyway the opponent hand in the worst case.

I immediately fell in love with Monastery Swiftspear since it first appears in spoilers. But for a late game necessity I also decided to add:

Guttersnipe: it really helps in multiplayer games;

Goblin Dark-Dwellers : here you got a big creature with menace and a free spell, that triggers Guttersnipe ability and increases Monastery Swiftspear combat skills, what else?

The two flying tokens of Pia and Kiran Nalaar can be a useful addition to the battlefield, also count the possibility to sacrifice them to make damage;

I also like Dark Confidant's mechanic and I think Dark Tutelage is a fair compromise for more. The advantage it gives you is a great thing, but due to the life loss I added the first card that came to my mind: Vampire Nighthawk, but I think that's not a direct solution.

Question time

I was thinking of splashing with to improve the game, maybe changing Vampire Nighthawk with some spell that can allow to gain life directly. Or change something else, and here I ask for help:

What can be modified without adding a color? what can be changed adding ?
or maybe is better ?

Feel free to suggest anything, even a color change, everything except the red of course.


Updates Add

Shock -2

added Bump in the Night x2. Ok, maybe the flashback cost is a little too high, but I'll give it a try, especially because the damage can't be prevented.

Also I think I will change some creatures and try to add more synergy among them.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Splash colors WG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Thopter 1/1 C
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