Cheerios! The favorite breakfast cereal of many, now the new favorite storm deck in modern!
Drop a creature on turn 2, and watch the fireworks happen! Each 0-mana equipment you play will net you a card, and if you wait until turn 3 and can get 2 creatures in play, you're essentially guaranteed not to whiff when comboing since you'll draw 2 cards per equipment played. The list is very tight, only allowing 3-4 flex spots to play with different cards imo, and those cards normally represent ways to either protect the combo or additional threats.
Monastery Mentor provides a great backup plan if not immediately removed, since casting a Retract will give plenty of prowess triggers to the tokens created the turn before. Swan Song counters most removal spells, so waiting until turn 3 to combo off with a mana up for protection is recommended against controlling decks.
Noxious Revival
is key to rebuy a dead creature or a Retract to continue comboing off (make sure you keep 1 equipment in hand before casting the Revival). The rest of the deck I consider essential cards to the combo, and we only run 15 lands with 8 of them being fetches to really try and avoid drawing too many while comboing.
The SB tries to address some of the weaknesses of the deck.
Echoing Truth is the best catch-all answer to permanents that could stop us from going off, namely Leyline of Sanctity and Rule of Law-type cards. I try to side them in against any white deck where I suspect leyline or another hate card.
Leyline of Sanctity is the next most important SB card, since one of the easiest ways to disrupt our plans is with black discard.
Path to Exile clears away problematic creatures such as Eidolon of the Great Revel, ethersworn mage, or Eidolon of Rhetoric. Fragmentize used to be in this spot since all of those creatures can also be hit by it as well as taking care of a Leyline of Sanctity, but Echoing Truth is my catch-all answer to leyline already and path has additional utility against must-answer creatures like infectors or Primeval Titans. It can also buy time against midrange decks that disrupt your hand and follow up with a beater (like against Death's Shadow or Tarmogoyf decks).
Laboratory Maniac allows for an alternate wincon against decks that gain infinite life like various Abzan company builds, or one of the combos from the new Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai
Silence is a proactive way to protect the combo if the opponent has something like Spell Queller that Swan Song can't handle. It also protects against removal-heavy hands opponents may have by waiting until turn 3 or 4 to combo off. The numbers of these may fluctuate depending on how necessary they end up being.
Monastery Mentor is a card that is maindecked in some builds of this deck as another way to take advantage of all the free spells you cast. If it sticks for a turn, you're almost guaranteed to win if your opponent can't interact. I bring it in as an additional threat in attrition matchups.
Ghirapur AEther Grid helps to control the board, and is useful in attrition matchups. I'm still testing this card, but it seems like a useful inclusion.
Defense Grid is likely the most important SB card against the things this deck doesn't want to see- counters and instant-speed removal. The ideal turn to combo off is turn 3 holding protection, so taking turn 2 off to try and resolve a grid isn't bad. I may up the count to 3 in the SB if they prove necessary. (Edit: I took the Grid out since Silence proved to be the better topdeck against counterspell decks if the game goes long. Silence will always be a must-counter card for your opponent, whereas the Grid can be worked around. Costing 2 mana instead of 3 also came up occasionally. I may come back to it if I find reason to however, so I'm leaving the original explanation here for reference)
Hope you enjoyed looking at my list and don't forget to upvote!