An agressive deck in mardu colours, that makes use of both of the new chiefs, to create a tribal deck. The deck was originally going to be black white, but then i realised that both Tymaret, the Murder King, and Goblin Rabblemaster were warriors. Rabble was most certainly worth splashing for, and i feel that this deck gives me a good chance to try out tymaret, as he is an interesting bear, with an ability that can push through extra damage to players. he also has nice synergy with token producing cards such as rabblemaster, Mardu Charm, and also synergy with Bloodsoaked Champion. This deck is also a chance to push Athreos, God of Passage as with lots of aggressive cheap creatures, your opponent is going to have a hard time deciding whether to let you keep your creatures when they die. The new Sorin, Solemn Visitor seems strong, even though his ultimate seems a little unimpressive in what appears to be a token-heavy format. I do however, like how his +1 will be making my deck both more aggressive, but also gaining me life to help with aggressive match-ups.
Not much removal mainboard, the deck is meant to smash face, but against some harder matchups, there will be plenty in the sideboard, which i am still working on.
I genuinely want to make this deck as competitive as possible, so any recommendations for both the main-board and sideboard are appreciated.
How would you build this deck if you were to take it to a competition? I did create this list myself, though it is likely that others will have been brewing similar lists. Thankyou if you read all the way through my ramblings, here is a potato for your efforts: Fellwar Stone