While I'm fairly happy with my previous Wuffie/Werewuffie deck, Awoo or OwOoo?, it was still spread kinda thin in terms of copies of creatures and tactics. Good on paper, but poor in execution. ;>w< Plus since Adventures in the Forgotten Realms got moved to Historic, cards like Ranger Class were not allowed in Standard. So I went back to the drawing board, determined which cards I used less and couldn't use anymore, scouted for some other potential late-game heroics, and out came this rather fun deck! :3c
For a majority of my cards (especially the two-mana and three-mana cards, I went with three copies apiece 'cause "three is the magic number!" And Kessig Naturalist
is certainly that 'cause he can naturally give me an additional bit of mana upon attack! Even if he dies, that's okay! Gives me a chance to cast something else thanks to the added mana boost! I can kinda lead others into a false sense of security this way sometimes! X3c The other twofer, Packsong Pup, can be good to have before or after casting the aforementioned Werewuffie as it then gains the 1+/1+ bonus as long as there's at least one of its kind out on my side of the battlefield! And even if it dies, I get a life heal! ^w^ The longer it's out, the more I can potentially gain if it dies! >w<
Of course there's also Reckless Stormseeker
, and if they're cast first, I can potentially have every other Wuffie/Werewuffie that follows it get a Haste bonus for the turn it's been cast! So imagine pairing that with Primal Adversary - who already grows deadly upon entering with each time I'm able to pay upon it being cast - or even Cemetery Prowler - who helps cut the cost of casting certain types of cards - and visualize how chaotic that can get! Combine that with Tovolar, Dire Overlord
who helps grant me cards with each time I do damage to the player, and we've some amazing battles that can reap many rewards!
If I need more generic wuffies on the fly, Arlinn, the Pack's Hope
and Child of the Pack
(who I swear is basically Red Riding Hood with a badass Wuffie as a pet) are there to help with that since they're either loyalty abilities or mana abilities respectfully!
But another Werewuffie I've grown rather fond of is Howlpack Piper
! I may have two of her, but that's more than enough to help me cost-effectively pay her mana ability to freely cast any Wuffie or Werewuffie, thereby untapping her again! God help my opponents if it's Nightbound and I use that songstress to call forth Avabruck Caretaker
! >:3
Though not exactly as strong as every other deck out there - not to mention exiling and early deaths can make or break this deck of mine - it can certainly pack a punch when it counts! And I will always have a soft spot for Wuffies and Werewuffies alike! ^w^ The pack is calling... you in? ;3