Originally built as a rather straightforward morph deck for casual standard play, I've since updated it with cards acquired at the two FRF prereleases I attended. It still needs work, but the introduction and synergy of the manifest mechanic really streamlines the effectiveness and speed of the deck. Definitely looking forward to bringing it to casual magic night to cut its teeth.
Currently fiddling around with the number of morph creatures, as manifest definitely reduces the need to rely on too many creatures. I may add or remove one or all of the Temur chargers- replacing them with more write into being if I take them out. The cloudforms are very solid, and monastery siege is my main source of creature protection now- I don't need the looting effect really because in all honesty this deck filters through its landbase very quickly via trail mof mystery- particularly with all the manifest stuff.
One thing I'm actually running into as a concern is I can dig out my lands too fast, ending up with a hand full of lands. Obviously as a 'may' trigger I can fiddle around with just the right amount, but I have to winder if the deck might be better served with less trails of mystery. Either one less or two, and possibly one more secret plans.
I'm also considering re-working the deck into a bant tri-color, even though shards have little support in standard. Doing so would let me incorporate useful modal stuff like Valorous stance, while also accessing white's potent manifest stuff, but it would make the deck less consistent.
Suggestions on how to improve it while keeping the core theme intact are welcome.