Neheb, the Eternal - At the helm. Neheb is a beast of a burn general, with proper support you should make plenty of mana in your second main phase. Afflict even helps! Note the wording postcombat main phase, as this allows shenanigans with Aggravated Assault. I plan on adding some of the other extra combat/main phase spells depending on how the next few games go.
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth - Beast to deal with. Card draw on cast is nice, Annihilator 4 is never fun for the opponent, but also great with all the Wheel of Fortune effects, also. My meta runs tons of GY hate.
Worldgorger Dragon - Ideally cast right before Obliterate but a bit janky TBH.
Soul of New Phyrexia - Great protection for the damage based creature wipes, or again with Obliterate
Steel Hellkite - Big flyer full of hate. Fun to pump with extra mana with an Aggravated Assault loop.
Charmbreaker Devils - testing this for some recursion.
Heartless Hidetsugu - Kitchen table favorite wins the game in this deck. With Neheb online it makes game winning mana.
Stormbreath Dragon - Reading through the abilities on this card is almost enough to include it alone, and then the Monstrous ability on top? One of the top cards in the deck.
Embermaw Hellion - Extra damage on a stick. A bit costly, maybe should be a Young Pyromancer or even a wheel, but redundancy is nice when testing.
Fanatic of Mogis - I like the idea of this card, but havent decided on its worth quite yet. Really depends on how many permanents you have sticking around. No easy way to flicker or recur him, either. This might be better as a wheel, or another fatty.
Wildfire Eternal - Nifty! Afflict 4 with 4 toughness is interesting. Most of the time you are going to point this in a direction that wont be blocked, though. Nonbo with the X spells, but you should get enough value out of it either way.
Hazoret the Fervent - Good job, Wizards. Chuck dead cards to burn face and make mana? Oh, on an indestructible body. Also cute to chuck Kozi in response to Bojuka Bog
Magus of the Wheel - Dig, dig, dig to glory! Or just hose whoever has 20 cards in hand.
Guttersnipe - Each opponent is a running theme here, I play multiplayer. This makes Fiery Confluence Do 8 damage to each opponent. It also turns your nondamage spells into damage spells. Again, redundancy is nice for playtesting.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
- Can go off with multiple spells being slung. Honestly, it might be a bit slow. Thinking about cutting this for Acidic Soil
Thermo-Alchemist Might be a bit better than Chandra in this deck. I dont run Nettle Drone but if this card does well I might. it's a good way to turn an Aggravated Assault loop into a win instead of just being annoying.
Firebrand Archer - Damage good. Spells plenty. Much mana. Test Redundantly.
Reiterate - Broken AF. Wanna go infinite mana? Mana Geyser FTW! Pure value during the second main phase with some of that extra mana.
Seething Song - Turn some rocks into red, cast a spell for synergies with the damage sticks. Or something.
Urza's Rage - I really just want to kick this to someone's face one day. My group has a ton of counters so a few of these kind of spells are mandatory.
Chaos Warp - well its mono red so....
Comet Storm - Big mana finisher. Instant speed is great, also for annoying creatures. The multikicker is cheap, and I run so many rocks that we tend to be a bit ahead of the curve anyway.
Fall of the Titans - Surge cost is great, better that it targets two players. Could be a finisher or a setup piece, so has some flexibility.
Pyroblast - Hate all the blue.
Volley of Boulders - Flashback cost mainly, or both if you have a ton of mana. Playtest mode.
Obliterate - If you can cast Neheb after this or protect your board through it, youll win. Probably.
Volcanic Vision - Pretty funny to resolve after someone counters something.
Mana Geyser - Goes infinite with Reiterate and 7 or more tapped lands on the opponents field. Also just redonkulous most of the time!
Incendiary Command - Generally going to Wheel and burn someone, but flexibility at the cost of CMC is the real reason its in here.
Hour of Devastation - Flavor town and value town meet at the junction of Hour of Devastation. Getting rid of Gods and the like is relevant with my meta, also planeswalkers are annoying to waste damage spells on, especially against Superfriends.
Reforge the Soul - Wheel until you win!
Kaboom! - I like a little chaos in my decks. This card will probably get cut at some point, but its sorta fun. Honestly it's been in that cut pile more times than not but I want to resolve it first.
Fiery Confluence - All modes can be very relevant. Most common is picking the second mode all three times for lots of mana in your second phase.
Shreds of Sanity - Holy Hazoret this card is fantastic!! Great, cheap recursion.
Molten Disaster - Split second is great for one mana.
Earthquake - Great as a 2 drop on up with the general online.
Shattering Spree - Not sure if you know this, but artifacts need to die. Often.
Crater's Claws - Right in the face. IN. THE. FACE.
Vandalblast - Overload it most of the time. Even if it just hates out a few Sol Rings it's rarely a bad play.
Burn from Within - Loses indestructible and exile it instead of the GY. Or, IN. THE. FACE. Yoga burn with the flexibility.
Banefire - Usually more than five unless youre desperate. Sneaks in some damage for mana if some jerk decides that Fog or Counterspell is a fun way to play.
Curse of Marit Lage - Only unfair against players, and their feelings dont count.
Sulfuric Vapors - Can help our opponent, but slightly harder to remove than the redundant artifact or creature in the deck.
Aggravated Assault - If this sticks and you dont win, youre having a bad time. This card is bananas in this deck. The best way to play this is have Neheb online, deal at least five damage in your first main or combat and leave enough mana open to cast this. Use the Neheb mana to take infinite combat steps. Neheb makes mana on accumulative life lost, so the mana will get bigger. This can go online surprisingly fast, and should immediately win you the game.
Blood Moon - Chuck D said it best: Shut em down. Might as well hose the mana hungry deck, or at least ruin someones ABU land. Also, playing mono can make you very jealous to card draw. So when people need those Reliquary Towers this is a fun thing to stick. They also enjoy removing it quite quickly.
Everflowing Chalice - Scaling mana rock for late game. No charge counters shenanigans in this deck. I honestly don't have an opinion on this card in this deck.
Sensei's Divining Top - Smooth draws help you sort out your pieces. Low mana investment that certain players get annoyed at and waste resources on. Usually you get value out of it first, and if no one deals with it, you have smoother draws. But, PAY ATTENTION! This card can delay games, so it's okay to use it half a turn early and stop pretending to have that Pyroblast in your hand.
Mana Vault - I happen to own one so its in this deck. With Neheb mana, you can untap it if you have extra mana lying around. Must be nice.
Sol Ring - Lost to time is the artificers art of trapping light from a distant star in a ring of purest gold. Not lost is the fact that this stupid card is in every deck. BECAUSE WE CAN.
Swiftfoot Boots - Tons of spot removal in my meta, and we like our general a lot in this deck.
Lightning Greaves - See above. Shroud, so pay attention if it's equipped to your only creature.
Sword of the Animist - Not that creature heavy, but also not opposed to ramp. Afflict makes this make sense, as does Valakut. I don't really attack all that often, though. This might turn into another hate card depending on the next few games.
Winter Orb - Why I run so many rocks. Also Nehebs ability makes this the first deck Ive run this in. It actually works mechanically with the purpose of the deck, and isnt just in here to be annoying. Having more resources than your opponents is a good thing.
Strionic Resonator - If it sticks its awesome! Usually gets removed right away, though. Have a plan for it if you cast it.
Thought Vessel - I dont run Reliquary Tower, also mana.
Fire Diamond - Red mana makes the deck work
Coldsteel Heart - Snow Artifact red mana rock. About all to say about it.
Cryptolith Fragment
- Mana rock and life loss! Could be neat to flip in a grindy game.
Basalt Monolith - Neheb mana helps with the untap cost.
Worn Powerstone - Ramp Rock Rules!
Goblin Charbelcher - This can whiff, or burn for a decent amount. Also baits out the artifact removal if you want that Strionic Resonator to win you the game next turn.
Hedron Archive - Yoga rock. Command Spheres cousin.
Pyromancer's Goggles - Make sure you dont kamakaze with a damage spell that gets copied! Nuts with some of the spells in this deck.
Pyromancer's Gauntlet - Extra damage on an artifact. Pretty sure there are better options for this slot but I had it lying there looking pretty.
Ward of Bones - can prevent us from being overwhelmed by creatures, ramp, enchantress decks, etc. Great stax piece.
Loreseeker's Stone - Card draw is needed, and this can often be paid for using Neheb mana.
Buried Ruin - Recursion is always nice on a land slot. Artifacts are important to this deck.
Drownyard Temple - Wheels are real. Ramp is Rare in Red. Still not sure if I should keep this land.
Sea Gate Wreckage - Card draw after attacking with your God, or in response to a wheel maybe? JUDGE!!
Darksteel Citadel - Artifact for when it matters and survives Obliterate
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle - YES! Damage for landfall!
Ramunap Ruins - Great for this general. I dont run any other deserts so its going to be a one time thing, but its significant considering its attached to a painland.
Nephalia Academy - Dont discard some cards. Also is hate against discard matters decks.
Temple of the False God - I hate this land and want to cut it, but sometimes I love this land and want to not cut it.
Myriad Landscape - I run Valakut. And basics.
Mirrorpool - Both modes can be relevant. Sometimes its just a CIPT land, but usually not.
Mountain - Working on getting all the Bolas mountains for this deck, to give Valakut some horns. I run 24 of them.